Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 16: Trapped or Protected?


Here are links to chapter 1 through 15:

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 16: Trapped or Protected?

Moksha just realized he had slept only about one night so far since he met Purple and was exhausted from the first 48 hours or so of knowing her. He was thinking to himself: "Am I being protected by the Galactic Sentience and Purple or am I trapped by them?"

Of course in all committed relationships it is usually both. So, one has to be sure what they want in life before they pursue any committed relationships usually. However, he was a 100 year old man that maybe looked 35 from regeneration and it seemed like a pretty good deal to finally be immortal and working with (and for to some degree) both the Galactic Sentience and Purple Delta 7 who was deeply related to the Galactic Sentience to be his General of potential and actual armies when needed to maintain the order of time throughout the Galaxy the way the Galactic Sentience wished it all to be. So, in the sense of Time lines the Galactic Sentience WAS GOD in this Galaxy because his species owned the Galaxy and all the time lines because of course his family actually built this galaxy as sort of like a Farm so his family group could better survive and propagate..

So, Moksha as a very mature and evolved man of 100 years of age but looking about 35 years old decided that HE was going to see this as being very protected from death by becoming immortal and working with Purple to protect New Deva and the Galaxy and working FOR the Galactic Sentience to make the Planet New Deva and the Galaxy a better safer place. This was how he chose to perceive all this which is a very adult view if you can actually get there in real time.

Purple and he had returned to the moon Ganymede and he summoned Plebant his Regent. Plebant came in and said, "Oh my God! They made you a Oneness?"

Moksha Said, "Very inciteful, Plebant! Now I want some advice for you. How do I deal with this around the Marauder Tribes and Families?"

Plebant: "You should have thought of this before you let them put a purple flame on your forehead, Sir!"

Moksha: "Well. Actually they didn't tell me they were going to do this at all!"

Plebant: "Sire! That's a scary way to get a flame of a Oneness on your forehead. What does it mean?"

Moksha: "I can tell you this but I'm not sure I can tell everyone this. It means here on Ganymede any time anyone lies to be they are going to throw up."

Plebant: "But Sire! A lot of Marauders lie a lot. You are going to have Throw up literally everywhere near your throne room from people throwing up!"

Moksha: "Then maybe I need you to speak to them about all this and tell them if they see the flame on my forehead and lie to me that they not only will throw up but it could get very serious for them if they lie to me and throw up. Also, what if someone has the flu?"

Plebant: "Everyone knows they aren't supposed to be near you if they are sick. They could be held imprisoned or even executed if you got sick and died from one of them."

Moksha: "Yes. This is true. I need to give all of this more thought."

The next morning Purple and Moksha woke up on Ganymede, the moon, and Moksha said, "Purple, I haven't asked you what you thought about the flame and the throwing up and the passing out if we are on New Deva. What do you think?"

Purple: "I think the Galactic Sentience and His Oneness of Earth saw the writing on the wall and you need to tell your people that you have become a Oneness of the Planet New Deva where you grew up and were chosen for this by the Galactic Sentience. They all would understand this because no one says "No!" to the Galactic Sentience and lives to tell about it."

Moksha: "Exactly. They would understand that I'm choosing to stay alive by doing this. The survival nature of all this they would get."

After They Got up he sent for Plebant and said to Plebant: "It's not fair that our people will die because they lie to me. It's just part of the culture of the Marauders that lies are sometimes told in order for people to try to stay alive. Geoffrey lied to me in that he didn't tell me that he had killed a Galactic Time Guard operative tracking him and then stole his time traveling conveyance and then Purple had to kill him. What do you think about this?"

Plebant: "Sire! I think I"m following you with all this. You yourself said you needed to make me King in your stead. This is just a part of your prescience of when you know things before most other people do that is the reason why we made you our king to begin with. Our people would now understand if you made me king in your stead, especially if you tell them that if they lied to you now they likely would be put to death according to our rules of behavior as the Marauder kingdom."

Moksha Nodded. He said, "Do you have a video and sound camera on you?"

Plebant said, 'Yes. I do."

Moksha: "Could you put it on the table over there and turn it on so it is videoing all this?"

Plebant moved over to the table and set the video camera device up.

Moksha wen over and got his "Sword of Power" that he used to knight people or to end their lives if necessary as King of the Marauders. Moksha said, "Is it running?"

Plebant: "Yes Sire!"

Moksha said facing the camera: "The Galactic Sentience has made me the Oneness of New Deva. However, to protect you all from death from lying to me now I must relinquish my kingship and my "Sword of Power" which is the authority of the King of the Marauders in action. Plebant is next in line now that Geoffrey is gone so Plebant is your next King. Because I am now a Oneness of the Galactic Sentience I can help guide and direct Plebant as King of the marauders because it will keep many more of you alive through my prescience and wisdom now that I am immortal as a Oneness of the Planet New Deva. You can see I have changed because of the flame on my forehead. This flame and color is the flame of New Deva which I am now the Oneness of."

"Plebant! Stand before me now to be crowned the next King of the Marauders of this sector of the Galaxy."

Plebant did as he was told and kneeled before his Sire with the purple Flame on his forehead.

I hearby Knight you as King of the Marauder Tribes, King Plebant.

Moksha handed Plebant the sword and took the crown from his head and put it on Plebant.

Moksha: "Hail! King Plebant of the Marauder Tribes!"

Plebant was likely never more stunned in his life for all this to happen so quickly. But, then again, they were the Marauder Tribes who functioned often very spontaneously as purely a matter of survival in the moment. So, in this sense all this made sense too.

Plebant walked over and turned his camera off. 

Then he said, 'I will send it out to all the Marauder's space ships and circulate it in our village here under Ganymede as well."

Moksha looked plaintively at Plebant and said, "This wasn't an easy thing to do, Plebant. I will miss all of you and my life with all of you a lot. More than I can say."

King Plebant now having to sound more regal and useful said, "Your Holiness. We both have moved up in the world. I will always accept your advice and I will try to find good advice wherever I am."

Moksha: "I have faith in you Plebant.

Purple said, "I have a gift for you King Plebant."  She stepped to the side and a beautiful lady dressed in Green stood there and King Plebant almost jumped out of his skin to see her.

Purple Said, "This is Green Delta 7 who is now your bodyguard and friend if you wish."

King Plebant said, "She will keep me alive from all attacks?"

Purple Said, "YES!"

King Plebant said, "Excellent."

Purple also said, "She also won't allow you to be unjust to your people so they will have no need to attack you unless they are aberrant. And if they do attack they will be neutralized one way or another."

King Plebant said, "Excellent."

King Plebant thought: "I wonder why she is green? Maybe she is from the Oneness of Earth who is said to have a Green Flame?"

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