Saturday, October 9, 2021

Boredom and Mortality

 Since Souls live forever basically, the only thing that tends to kill them is boredom over millions and billions of years. However, even to speak or write of time is sort of ridiculous too because souls don't live in time and space usually at all unless they want to.

Time came about when galaxies and matter galaxies in specific were created by the Creator Souls that are our real species that we all are. Living in bodies like on earth is always secondary and something retired Creator souls do to stay alive sort of the same reason retired people often read books and watch people's lives on TV through movies and others series and programs. It tends to extend their lives.

Added to this is the idea of mortality which gives value to actually being alive as a soul by adding meaning and finality to living as a human being or other kind of species on planets and stars throughout the Galaxy.

By God's Grace

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