Thursday, October 7, 2021

Elohar said, “Oh. Can I touch your flame or would it burn me?”

 begin partial quote from:

He said, “Greetings to you all. I welcome you here to Mt. Shasta, our Lemurian library.”


Saint Germain said, “I came as soon as I could, Your Oneness.”


His Oneness said, “I was watching you and wondering if and when it would be appropriate to meet Elohar and her family. Did you know, Elohar, that you will come visit me when you are an adult when I lived on Earth in Lemuria about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago now?


Elohar’s mouth was open and she couldn’t resist asking him a question: “Why do you have green fire burning up your forehead?”


His Oneness laughed and said, “All the Onenesses of all the Galactic Satellite planets have this. It means you own the Time lines of that planet. It’s common knowledge among all Galactic Citizens. Part of my duty is to rescue Galactic Citizens who get into trouble here on earth when they visit here from other places and times.”


Elohar said, “Oh. Can I touch your flame or would it burn me?”


This made her parents nervous but His Oneness said, “No. It won’t burn you but I must tell you that you never will be the same if you do.”



Saint Germain put each of his hands on Rolf and Christina to hold them back from saying anything. They too realized Elohar was stepping into her new role and beginning to be an adult just like when she chose Saint Germain and Jesus to be her teachers.


Elohar gingerly walked forward and His Oneness bent down on one knee so she could touch his flame.


Rolf and Christina were scared and wanted to cry out when the flame consumed their daughter and she turned into green flame for a moment. But somehow they kept their silence as they knew what this meant to the 2nd time line.


Elohar said, “Wow! That made me feel like I know everything!”


His Oneness said, “You do. It will just take some time to assimilate everything you now have access too.” He handed her a flat rock that she could hold in her hand.


He said, “Put this under your pillow and it will begin to engram your mind with all the Lemurian knowledge of Earth and all the stars and planets humans lived upon before coming to Earth.”


Elohar was completely entranced like she was a princess in a movie. Her parents noticed just how otherworldly the look was on her face now. They knew for better or for worse she had just become an adult in some ways right there before their eyes at 9 years of age.

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