Friday, October 8, 2021

How can you be kind to others if you cannot be kind to yourself first?

I was lucky in that God Gave me good parents. No parents are ideal in all situations but mine didn't smoke or drink at all which was great in the 1950s because I didn't have to breathe cigarette smoke or live with Drunks like most people seemed to be in the 1950s before people learned about diet and exercise like now.

So, my father was raised a lot in the country and so he introduced me to wilderness and camping. And so from that start I continued to give myself wilderness where there are real bears like Yosemite National Park and places where it was still wild like Mt. Shasta when I first grew up. 

So, over time I gave myself wilderness so I could see what sanity was. It sure wasn't in the big city, that's for sure. only insanity lives in big cities I have found in my experience of life.

Yes. For me, sanity was always in the wilderness somewhere. So, I bought myself a car when I was 16 because I had already been working from about age 10 with a newspaper route and on weekends doing construction work since I was 12 years old already. So, I bought myself a car in 1964 at age 16 and since gasoline was cheap then relative to now (and cars now) I could could buy at least 5 gallons of gas for every hour I worked since the minimum wage was 1 dollar an hour and by 16 I often made 3 dollars an hour because I was an experienced worker and always very intelligent and capable. So, in one hour in 1964 I could buy 15 gallons of gas for my 1956 Ford Station wagon that I called at the time my :Surf Wagon because I liked to surf then and the ocean was only 1/2 and hour to 1 hour away from where I lived because I grew up mostly in Los Angeles depending upon which beach I went to.  So, driving 400 miles a weekend wasn't unusual for me at age 16 (200 there and 200 back) with friends and camping out in he desert or mountains or at the beach.

Girlfriends always liked the idea that I always had a car and money to buy gas and food so many girls were interested in me so I would drive them places to do things on weekends like movies or ice skating or to the beach or mountains.

The point of all this is learning to be kind to yourself first might be the key to learning to be kind to others as well in your life. And if you want a significant other the single most important thing you need to be able to do is to listen to their problems and to offer logical solutions. I think the reason I was always in demand was that I always listened to girls problems and always tried to help them like my minister parents demonstrated for me since I was a little child. So, I tried always to give reasonable logical efficient answers to problems because often girls were so wound up in their problems that they had lost the ability to be logical about those problems. However, since they weren't my problems I could be supremely logical and reasonable at creating solutions to those problems.

However, solving my own problems was much harder for me because emotionally I was tied to them. This is why if you have a reasonable logical friend often they can help you solve your most pressing problems because those problems are not theirs.

By God's Grace

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