Friday, October 8, 2021

I feel very Good about having Saint Germain write "The Alien War" through me


Because I see now what he is actually doing (at least from my perspective). He is trying to have people on earth be more evolved and realistic and scientific about religions in general. By sharing what his experience is and Moksha's experience and Purple Delta 7's experiences and others he is to some degree demystifying religions built around him to some degree. People who are educated enough through Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees and PHds in college can relate more to what he is writing. 

It's true that some people seem to need to put Ascended Masters like Jesus and his student, Saint Germain and others in a non-human category (in other words in a category where they were NEVER human to begin with). But, this just isn't true. It's like making all movie stars or Bill Gates or Steven Jobs impossible to be humans too. It just isn't realistic.

When you put any being too far above you it prevents you from becoming like them.

Jesus came here to set an example that beings like Saint Germain as first Merlin and Padmasambhava and later in time as Francis Bacon and the Comte de Saint Germain in Europe and likely Prince Ragoczy of Transylvania, and likely way before that Saint Francis of Asisi and Milarepa of Tibet. 

I personally knew Saint Francis and was a friend of his at the time and I also met Milarepa of Tibet. So, I have been a student of Saint Germain and Padmasambhava for almost 2 thousand years that I am aware of.

By God's Grace

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