Saturday, October 9, 2021

I think militaries of various countries will be manning supply chains in order to keep governments and nations operating in the future

 People don't want to die. We are living literally in "World War C  (C is for Covid). The Covid Virus is making war on all human life on earth.

This is causing extreme supply chain disruptions which are not only just beginning but likely to get much much worse over the next year as people watch fellow workers and relatives and friends die more and more from Covid, especially if they are unvaccinated.

Also, I have never seen a time like this where religious people are dying who don't believe in science at this rate before. And it's possible the death rate of religious people that don't believe in science will increase as well over time.

I have already lost my father and one of my best friends (one in 1985 my father) and one in 2006 (one of my best childhood friends from Church growing up).

So, I watched religious people including a best friend and my father and many others die from being too anti-medical as I grew up and as an adult. People who have certain views are unlikely to change no matter what logic or reason you use on them. Some people live and die by their beliefs whether those beliefs are real and true or not. So, many many more religious non-scientific people are going to die.

However, here's the thing. My father was an electrical contractor and my friend had a master's degree in Psychology and was a teacher. But, despite both of their educations they didn't believe in many aspects of medical science and operations and so they both died before their times.

Yes. And I also think militaries of governments will need to step in to man Supply chains or else millions and potentially billions more are going to starve to death worldwide from supply chain disruptions worldwide.

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