Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Everything Shortage: We’re also suffering from a dearth of a shocking array of things—test kits, car parts, semiconductors, ships, shipping containers, workers. the Everything Shortage.

 The U.S. economy isn’t yet experiencing a downturn akin to the 1970s period of stagflation. This is something different, and quite strange. Americans are settling into a new phase of the pandemic economy, in which GDP is growing but we’re also suffering from a dearth of a shocking array of things—test kits, car parts, semiconductors, ships, shipping containers, workers. This is the Everything Shortage.

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Most of these things regarding why people are quitting aren't entirely clear to me because I don't work in those fields. 

However, something that hits home completely to me because I live on the coast of California is Container ships which I have seen often sailing with my cousin in his 25 foot sailboat in Long Beach Harbor. I remember at one point we almost got run over by a very fast moving container ship (that will get you moving in trying to sail and save your own lives!).

So, container ships I get because I have sailed right next to them while they were doing 20 to 40 miles an hour and could never stop before they ran over your sailboat so likely many sailboats around the world likely get run over during the night by them if the sailboat owners are asleep for example, at the time.

The other thing I understand about Container ships is that the crew if they are not Americans cannot come ashore in the U.S. under present Covid Rules. This is going to cause some or all crew on those ships to quit their jobs because who wants to be stuck on a container ship not being able to go ashore on any country that isn't your own for up to 1 year at a time. So, the next time their contract comes up they will NOT re sign on to be a crew member. And then there won't be container ships waiting in Long Beach harbor to unload because there won't be crew to man them.

This container ship issue is an extreme accident waiting to happen. it's just a matter of time now.

Especially, when you consider that most small items made of plastic and metal tend to come mostly from Asian Countries like China, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Viet Nam etc.

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