Saturday, October 2, 2021

If you are going to be a successful intuitive you have to be able to successfully deal with multiple realities

In some ways it's sort of like raising kids. I tell the story some times of how my father was driving our 1956 Century Buick which was new at the time in 1956 and we were driving likely towards Malibu through Las Virgenes Canyon Rd but we were still heading north on the Ventura Freeway to that exit on the freeway when a stationwagon coming the other direction on the freeway flew over our heads at about 10 feet above our car with people screaming (because they likely knew they all were going to die soon because people didn't wear seat belts for another 30 years after that much. I asked my father if we were going to stop and help these people and he said it wasn't safe to do that. Very simple. As an 8 or 9 year old I accepted his explanation at the time because I couldn't deal with about 20 or more people dying behind us on the freeway when that car going 70 or more hit cars going our direction going 70 or more with a force of 140 to 150  miles per hour and everyone dying.

So, I guess what I'm saying here is being an intuitive like me you often know when people are going to die (even if they aren't flying over your head in a station wagon 10 feet above your head on the freeway. However, luckily that day because I was only 8 or 9 years old I was completely oblivious to how many people were bound to die right then and my father protected me from this awful truth like a good Dad.

Likewise, I have to be careful what I share with people and sometimes what I even share with myself because I have to survive whatever I think about too.

So, what I'm saying to you is that often I have to pretend I'm making stuff up when I'm not really in order to survive my life in real time.

On one level I know what I'm sharing is the highest truth that all of you deserve to know on any given day.

On the other hand I have to protect myself from the truth often too in any way that I can so that I can survive the truth.

So, the way I do this is to realize always there are multiple realities.

it's sort of like how you don't tell kids things that are too scary simply because they aren't ready for those things yet and might never be.

It's like that. I have to. protect myself and those around me as much as I can from some truths or no one can survive at all.

So, like my Dad protected me from knowing about 20 or more people were going to die that day I also protect myself and others daily whenever I can from how intense the truth often is in reality.

God shows me all these things because I can handle it. But, I'm a very rare person that can do this and I appear to have been trained to compartmentalize things in my mind so I can cope always with whatever I'm facing.

I think because my ancestors were pioneers who settled this country I have good genetics to survive almost anything as a direct result of ancestors who have been in the U.S. since 1725 in Philadelphia and then Kansas during the Civil war and then through my grandfather who lived and worked in Arizona, Texas, California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho while he was an electrical contractor with his family.

So, though my father was born in Morenci, Arizona in 1916 he was raised from 1927 in Lake Forest Park near Seattle. 

The point of all this is that if you are a for real intuitive like I am you need to find a way to cope with knowing what you know 24 hours a day about the past, present and future of earth.

By God's Grace

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