Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 18: The Secret of the Spheres


Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 18: The Secret of the Spheres

 Moksha found himself on New Deva with Purple that day and wondered what to do next? They went through customs as visitors from the Galactic Time Guard as emissaries of the Galactic Sentience and Purple took care of all the paperwork for Moksha. 

However, he was still sort of wondering what was next for him? He really had not prepared for this at all either mentally or emotionally so he found himself sort of in shock to be on New Deva in the era he grew up in. So, he decided to have Purple make a call to Young Arcane to see what he was up to. Since Moksha had no talking device like a smartphone on him at the time he talked through the invisible glove which contacted both old Arcane and Old Arcane had the Green Sphere modify the invisible Glove on his right hand to be able to contact either Old Arcane or Young Arcane. 

This made complete sense to everyone because Moksha as a Oneness now would soon need a Time Pool and because His Oneness of Earth had one, possibly a Purple or Violet Sphere to travel through both time and space from Meridian too. After all, when Arcane at around 27 to 30 years of age was first sent to Earth in the past when he was banished there through time by Tech Noir he was given a Green Sphere to Conquer Tech Noir on Isfahel which he did.

 So, it was also possibly logical that Moksha now might need a Purple or violet Sphere for managing the time line on New Deva. In fact, Arcane had already requested of Meridian potentially a Purple sphere for Moksha. Purple had actually requested this for Moksha already from Old Arcane simply because she felt that holding her hand to travel through time was not only fun in the moment as a couple but also demeaning for the nobility of Moksha as a King or as a Oneness. She wanted him to feel more in control because she saw him starting to go into shock from all the changes which wasn't helpful to her or the Galactic Sentience in creating him as a useful Oneness of New Deva.

Besides, Purple was fascinated with the Green and Blue Sphere technology and wondered where it came from because it was alien to any technology she had ever seen in the galaxy.

Meridian appeared to her at this moment to one of her bodies but not the one standing next to Moksha guarding and caring for him.

Meridian: "Purple?"

Purple: "Oh! You startled me Meridian! I'm not used to many beings other than the Galactic Sentience that come unannounced!"

Meridian: "Oh. I'm sorry Purple. I figured you would figure it out. I didn't want to startle Moksha so I came to a different body of yours than the one guarding and guiding him as the Oneness of New Deva. I also recommended Moksha to the Galactic Sentience when I first saw in Arcane's memories his best friend, Moksha, as a Oneness potentially for New Deva. It's interesting to me that it took almost 100 years for Moksha to prove himself to the Galactic Sentience!"

Purple: "I wasn't aware of that Meridian. Why are you here?"

Meridian: "You have to make me a promise, Purple, and follow it or else the Galactic Sentience and I will have to change you fundamentally. I know you are always very inquisitive but the technology  of the Green Blue and it looks like Purple Sphere that will be Moksha's and that you will ride in with him soon cannot fully be understood by you because it is a gift from another Galaxy specifically to the Galactic Sentience and myself for helping them in specific ways. There might not be any more Sphere's made beyond the Green, Blue and Purple ones now also."

Purple: "Oh. I see. The technology is so secret that even I am not to understand it then?"

Meridian: "Yes. Like Time Travel itself the knowledge is too dangerous for any being in this galaxy to have."

Purple: "But, doesn't this endanger this galaxy from the galaxy that has this protection?"

Meridian: "Here is the Secret. The Galaxy this is from is where the Original Galaxy that the soul of His Oneness, and I and Arcane's soul is from."

Purple: "Oh. So, His Oneness of Earth and Arcane and you are all from the same soul that created this Galaxy?"

Meridian: "Yes. And Moksha is another brother soul from the same being and soul and our parents gave us this gift specifically to protect us now and they live in another galaxy so in a sense the Milky way Galaxy is like a child galaxy to them."

Purple: "Wow! So, specifically they are protecting incarnations of their son who created this galaxy to begin with?"

Meridian: "Yes!"

Purple:" This is such a stupendous secret that I will gladly keep it secret, Meridian! So, what you are telling me is that these Spheres are not even powered by any technology from or in this galaxy at all?"

Meridian: "Yes. That's Correct and we can't speak of this anymore unless I bring it up."

Purple: "You have honored me with this, Meridian, beyond any dna being in this galaxy."

Meridian: "Yes. I have. And so you will honor me by keeping this secret, Purple."

Purple: "Yes. I swear to you on my life as a created Sentient and by Silver that I will keep this secret until told otherwise by either you or the Galactic Sentience.

Meridian: "Good."

Meanwhile back on the Planet New Deva, Moksha sat on his luggage at customs there feeling pretty out of it and strange. He remembered something that might cheer him up. It was a hotel at the beach that Arcane and He would go to with Ah Ray In and Prophetess when they were teenagers. It was near where Octavia and Brutus the Water Dragons hung out a lot waiting for Arcane and Ah Ray in and Prophetess to come. He had made friends with them and wondered if they were still alive.

So, when Purple returned from getting them through customs he asked her to call his favorite hotel and book a suite for them which she did. They wound up with a Presidential Suite with an Olympic sized Swimming pool which Moksha also loved because it reminded him of his teenage years. 

Then he called Young Arcane to invite him here if it had any time.

Young Arcane: "What's new, Moksha!"

Moksha: "Well. I'm here on New Deva and they put a violet purple flame in my forehead so I cannot be King of the Marauders anymore or else everyone either passes out of throws up when they lie to me."

Young Arcane: "I wondered how strange the transition was going to be for you?"

Moksha: "Well. His Oneness of Earth just showed up on Lahaina in Maui, Hawaii and shook my hand and I had a violet flame on my forehead and I had become a Oneness. I didn't realize I would instantly become a Oneness of New Deva like that."

Young Arcane: "Well. They don't take 100 years to train Onenesses anymore. They found it more efficient to just place a flame and the planet would let them know personally what it wanted from them."

Moksha: "Well. That makes sense I guess. But, now I'm sort of in shock from it all!"

Young Arcane: "How can I help you adjust to all this, Moksha?"

Moksha: "Come to our Teenage beach hotel hideaway and let's see if Brutus and Octavia are still there?"

Young Arcane: "Well. Octavia is still alive but Brutus is gone but they have two children now we are still in touch with but Octavia is quite old now and doesn't jump and fly through the air anymore but her children do."

Moksha: "Would you come and hang out with me there?"

Young Arcane: "As the Oracle of New Deva I have the right to bend time like Old Arcane does so I can be there immediately so we can hang out like the old days, Okay?"

Moksha: "We got the Presidential Suite, Arcane. Remember how we coveted it but couldn't get it because we didn't have the money when we were young?"

Young Arcane: "Sounds Good!"

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