Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Guru Chela relationship through time

When Arcane is banished to earth in the far future by Tech Noir he meets the spirit of Eridian (Meridian) and Eridian gives him the Green Sphere after initiating him into the secrets of Earth around 1 million years into our present future. Arcane is deposited by Tech Noir on land and attacked by wolves then and somehow Arcane is able to fly without any electronic sensors to a power point away from them. He Calls on Eridian who sends the Green Sphere to retrieve him which takes him through solid rock to the Crystalline Sphere City under Boonesville, North Carolina in the far future. I did a retreat there in a retreat center originally built by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Transcendental Meditation) there and found this location at that time. I also found in 1999 with my then 10 year old daughter the location of the Crystal Palace in Italy if you head up towards the Matterhorn from Aosta, Italy. It was then called the Dalai Lama Camping Club but it is also where Elohar and Ragna came to me from in 7028 AD of the first time line. Now it is called "The Dalai Lama Village". So, the actual locations of the Crystal Palace in Italy AND the location Arcane landed on earth which was Boonesville, North Carolina I have already found. He then was moved by the Green Sphere through the rocks underground there to the Crystaline City where he was initiated to where with the Green Sphere he could defeat Tech Noir on the planet Isfahel in the far future. Then he had to leave the planet New Deva because he had become more than a man and become a member of the Galactic Time Guard. After his training he landed on earth and met Celeste Weaver a reincarnation of Ah Ray In, his betrothed who died on Isfahel by the hand of Tech Noir.

The point of all this is: 

Eridian(Meridian) is the Guru of Arcane in the far future. Then Arcane joins the Galactic Time Guard and is sent to the past where he meets Jonathan Flow as a child because he is also Saint Germain (Arcane is).

So, As Saint Germain he becomes Jonathan Flows Guru and teaches Jonathan Flow to become Meridian over time.

This is how Gurus and Chelas (Teachers and students) often operate through time where the student teaches the master through time after the master teaches the student. 

I first began to understand this kind of thing after Studying with Tibetan Lamas in the U.S. and India and Nepal in the 1980s.

By God's Grace

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