Sunday, October 3, 2021

What's with the Flames in the Forehead?

 I was thinking about this as I woke up this morning. I sort of want the answer to this question too.

Near as I can figure out a planet many times is like a sun with a crust on the outside (whether that crust is cooled matter or water or whatever likely depends upon the planet. But, generally speaking a planet is a star that has cooled down on the surface, a mini-sun that has cooled down in some ways on the surface of the planet at least. This is the way I presently look at it. So then, it is sort of like our sun in that it is light or flame at core and manifests itself as light in some way sort of like the Sun of our solar system does. So, viewed in this way the flame a Oneness of a planet takes on which also makes them immortal is a representation of that light, or flame or Sun consciousness at the core of the planet. So, the core of the planet could be seen as a heart of the planet and since the core is a molten sun in many cases, then the flame that manifests on the forehead of a Oneness makes more sense in this context.

This is my view on all this but you might come up with a different view that could be as valid as mine.

So, I guess this is my theory of why flame manifests on the forehead of the Oneness of a planet when the planet agrees that this human or other being is going to be the Oneness of the planet along with the agreement with the Galactic Sentience. Because the Galactic Sentience is in constant communication with all planets and suns in the Galaxy 24 hours a day every day for thousands and millions of years.

By God's Grace

Also, this also explains this a little at least in regard to Earth. As Moksha becomes a oneness the flame color of the Planet New Deva is Violet or purple that appears on his forehead like the Violet Consuming Flame that burns up bad karma that I was taught to use from age 2 years old forward in my life when I was raised in the Saint Germain Foundation from birth to when I left the organization in 1969 when I was 21.

So, here is what Saint Germain Wrote through me of his experience as Arcane from New Deva when he was banished to earth in a time traveling  battle and war between his Planet New Deva and the planet Isfahel. So, even though Saint Germain Channeled this through me around 1980 when I lived near where Lassen Lane and Old Stage Road converge in the little City of Mt. Shasta one beautiful afternoon looking up at beautiful Mt. Shasta while sitting on my front lawn in longhand with a pen. This took place here on earth approximately 1 million years into our future:

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I am entering the first golden room as a guest of the old ones of the planet. In the room are gathered nine of the old ones of the planet in their ghostlike light forms. They begin to instruct me as they wish the condensed knowledge of their planet to be carried throughout the Galaxy and beyond by my soul DNA. Through the Darshan of my Earth blessed aura I will be an emissary of the Enlightenment of Earth wherever I go in all my lives in whatever time I embody.

From each of the nine elders a ray of green light or fire comes to my forehead. At first it is somewhat painful to experience as the frequencies of my neurons are different than the thought patterns that were used on this planet. But the light elders are considerate of me and don't destroy my mind, neurons, or brain. Even though the old ones don't have physical bodies anymore they still respect the other life forms who do. In time I become accustomed to what they are giving me and I become first at peace with it and then at one with it. The new consciousness is creating new ways of perceiving the universe. I kneel to pray and give gratitude to the creator of the universe for the blessings of this empowerment. I have been trained since childhood for such a moment. But I wasn't sure it would ever come. I know in my heart and soul my enemies could never stand against me now. I know that now I am more than a man but my responsibilities to all living things have grown also.

Eridian Speaks." Now you're ready to come into our most powerful of Power points which will transport you to any realm you wish to go.

As we walk down the corridor my perceptions of reality are very unusual for I see through the walls and have the senses of the beings that once lived on this planet. I have the feeling of walking on a cloud and having eyes in every pore of my skin. As I walk toward the main mystical Power point of the planet I am very reverent and respectful to the thousands of unseen spirits. My inner spirit has been changed. Soon we reach a room filled with all the stars at night like a planetarium. In the center of this seeming planetarium is a blue fire as tall as I am. It is sentient and a wing or arm of fire reaches out lovingly like a powerful parent and grabs my consciousness. I am burned by the experience. I sense that submission is the only way to survive. The blue light increases it's power until I must merge or die so I merge. Within the center of the blue fire is a green fire which is the mate of the Blue fire. Now the fires merge. The fires now turn into a sphere of green and blue.

As I come into the green and blue sphere of the center of this Power point I begin to see in all directions. I see all the planets I have touched and all the beings I have the never known. I see both the beings I considered good and the beings I considered bad. I also see all the beings in between. I feel the compassion of the old ones of this planet for all sentient life everywhere and now I can see even those beings that I had thought of as evil were just out of touch or disconnected from their true selves. Their need is to come into the oneness or self-destruct so their energy can return to the oneness. And because of their impact upon my home planet new Deva I must assist them soon to one or the other before they destroy my people -- my life wave. For the goodness of life must go on and the evil in life must destroy itself -- must cease to be.

From within the center of my being the old ones tell me that I now contain all the knowledge of their planet Earth that one man can hold. They tell me all this knowledge is now contained within me -- within cells of my body and within my soul dna that will incarnate in other bodies once I lay this body to rest-- and that I as an Atom in the body of their planet will now go forth to bless the universe with their wisdom. They tell me that any time I wish to come back I need only think of them and I'll be back with them to learn more or they will come to me to help and protect me and mine. As I begin to leave I am grateful with words that none can say.


Introduction to Elohar by Eridian

As I stand up to leave the sphere Eridian asks me a question. "Would you like to see your future lives here on Earth?" I said, "How is that possible Eridian? No humanoid bodies are allowed here without breaking Galactic Law!" "Your future lives reside in Earth's past."

I asked again. "How is it possible that I arrive here now and then incarnate in Earth's past?" Eridian said, "Souls are not limited the way most beings think. God creates past, present and future but time really doesn't exist, Arcane. So God has us incarnate in the past, present and future or the future, the present and the past or the present the future and the past or whatever combination that God and the soul as one need to do. Some souls only incarnate once but some souls incarnate an infinity of times. It depends on the nature of the soul, the need of the soul, and the need of God for that soul. Would you like to see some of your future lives in Earth's past?" "Yes, I would like that Eridian. Thank you for the opportunity." I said. "Follow me then Arcane." Said Eridian.

Following behind Eridian I felt in awe and soon we came to a blue green sphere of ominous power. Eridian said something in an Earth language and the sphere opened like a mouth to encompass me. This is a sentient sphere and as I'm taken inside it is like a friend, a lover or a nursemaid in it's relationship to me. Soon I hear music and I hear a young mans voice speaking the following poem.

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Here's another quote that jumped right out at me just now:

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He said, “Greetings to you all. I welcome you here to Mt. Shasta, our Lemurian library.”


Saint Germain said, “I came as soon as I could, Your Oneness.”


His Oneness said, “I was watching you and wondering if and when it would be appropriate to meet Elohar and her family. Did you know, Elohar, that you will come visit me when you are an adult when I lived on Earth in Lemuria about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago now?


Elohar’s mouth was open and she couldn’t resist asking him a question: “Why do you have green fire burning up your forehead?”


His Oneness laughed and said, “All the Onenesses of all the Galactic Satellite planets have this. It means you own the Time lines of that planet. It’s common knowledge among all Galactic Citizens. Part of my duty is to rescue Galactic Citizens who get into trouble here on earth when they visit here from other places and times.”


Elohar said, “Oh. Can I touch your flame or would it burn me?”


This made her parents nervous but His Oneness said, “No. It won’t burn you but I must tell you that you never will be the same if you do.”



Saint Germain put each of his hands on Rolf and Christina to hold them back from saying anything. They too realized Elohar was stepping into her new role and beginning to be an adult just like when she chose Saint Germain and Jesus to be her teachers.


Elohar gingerly walked forward and His Oneness bent down on one knee so she could touch his flame.


Rolf and Christina were scared and wanted to cry out when the flame consumed their daughter and she turned into green flame for a moment. But somehow they kept their silence as they knew what this meant to the 2nd time line.


Elohar said, “Wow! That made me feel like I know everything!”


His Oneness said, “You do. It will just take some time to assimilate everything you now have access too.” He handed her a flat rock that she could hold in her hand.


He said, “Put this under your pillow and it will begin to engram your mind with all the Lemurian knowledge of Earth and all the stars and planets humans lived upon before coming to Earth.”


Elohar was completely entranced like she was a princess in a movie. Her parents noticed just how otherworldly the look was on her face now. They knew for better or for worse she had just become an adult in some ways right there before their eyes at 9 years of age.


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