Monday, October 4, 2021

Why is "The Alien War" not about the Alien War really?"

 I'm as surprised as you are simply because this is what Saint Germain as Arcane wanted to share with all of you. Most of what is happening regarding "The real alien War" is secret from all governments here on earth except for militaries at the highest levels. Why?

The real point of all of this appears to be surprise. You cannot change things on earth to a more survivable scenario without surprises. It's true the Stock market does not like surprises and wants even congress mostly to do nothing so that there are no surprises that investors have to factor in.

However, there is something even more important that is at stake here which is that at least some of human kind need to survive to 2100 AD and past that or we go extinct.

The Whole point of this century entirely appears to be not "How do some people become billionaires" but rather "How do Any people at all on earth survive this century?" Because otherwise not only are all billionaires going to be dead, so are all their relatives and friends too (and everyone else as well).

However, in the meantime I think you will see people like Bezos and Musk and Branson building space station resorts together that they can stay in when winds get over 200 mph a lot of places on earth including over oceans. You might also see them investing in caverns underground so food can still be grown for them to eat later this century.

If you want to read why getting even some people to survive to 2100AD is important then you should likely read: 

How did we get to here: Chapter 1

 begin quote from:

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