Saturday, December 18, 2021

In some ways watching the 1937 and the 1973 versions of Lost Horizon helped me eventually go visit the Himalayas myself in 1985 and 1986

It's interesting to me now here in 2021 that the 1937 version of "Lost Horizon" and the 1973 version of Lost Horizon helped prepare me in some oblique way to go to the Himalayas and trek there myself. Though what you will find in India and Nepal, especially regarding People like Tibetan Buddhist Lamas is very different than either of these two movies, they also help in some sort of way to prepare you for what you actually will experience there if you go one day.

For me, it is the suspension Bridges between mountains and high above rivers as well as snow capped peaks from 25,000 feet elevation to Everest at over 29,000 feet elevation that is the reality. And cultures are very different (all of them there including Tibetan Buddhists) than you will see in either of these two movies. However, despite all that these movies helped prepare me (and through me my family) for the "other worldly experiences" we had there in India and Nepal and up into the Himalayas between December of 1985 and April of 1986. 

At that time my wife and I were both 37 years old and our children then were 10, 12 and 14 years of age when we left on December 11th 1985 from San Francisco International Airport heading on the first leg of our Journey to Narito Airport in Japan. From there we went to Bangkok and our final landing place was Kathmandu, Nepal a few weeks later after snorkeling and riding Wind surfing boards in Koi Samed Island off of Bangkok.

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