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William H. D. Hornaday (26 April 1910 – 17 March 1992), affectionately known as "Dr. Bill" to his congregation of over 7,000, was the leading minister at ...
So, this changed my perceptions of spirituality and religion and started me in a new
direction when I was 10 to 12 years of age. My parents had been ministers
of another mystical Christian Church on Hope STreet in downtown Los Angeles until
1960 when my mother's father passed away. So, since my aunt often went to this church
along with her son who was likely starting then attending USC on a Scholarship to become
a Lawyer at the university there. Going to hear Dr. Hornaday was always very informative
and also very scientific in the way he approached Spirituality and religion.
This helped me move towards realizing that spirituality and religion were actually
a scientific technology that in some way all science basically came from.
When I started going to college in 1966 I had to confront that I was conditioned to be
basically a Creationist when I took a Social Science course where because I was always
telepathic realized that most students attending this class believed in Darwin's theory of
evolution. This was horrific for me at 18 or 19 years of age because of the way I had been
raised. It took me until I was 21 to realistically cope with this by realizing that both creationism
and Darwinism were theories and not laws. So, therefore because they were only theories
I could reject both of them until I had more information by using the scientific method upon
both Creationism and Darwinism.
So, this is how my understanding moved from just having faith to a much more scientific
view of reality not only in science and medical Science but also in relation to spirituality and
religion as well.
I have found applying the scientific method towards everything in life is very very useful, especially
because Saint Germain was supposed to have been Francis Bacon who was the father of
the Scientific Method. He was also supposed to have been the il·le·git·i·mate son of Queen Elizabeth I
of England.
So, I tend to see people who don't view everything in life through a more scientific lens as more
likely to be dying fairly young (like from Covid).
But, it is the luck of the draw too. So, in the end we will have a much more resilient race of human beings
who will be more immune to Covid. Those of us who survive these years here on earth.
So, from this point of view those genetically superior (at least in relation to Covid-19) will be the survivors along with their children and grandchildren on into the future. Because many genetic lines likely have
been wiped out now by Covid here on earth.
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