Sunday, January 9, 2022

This helped me move towards realizing that spirituality and religion were actually a scientific technology that in some way all science basically came from.

 This helped me move towards realizing that spirituality and religion were actually

a scientific technology that in some way all science basically came from.

What do I mean by this?

When I studied Cultural Anthropology in the early 1970s and then again in the late 1980s I studied Creation Stories from Tribes all over the world. I realized that the Creation stories of the major religions on earth all started as shamanic creation stories. So, I realized that science also came from the medicine Men and medicine women in their efforts to be doctors and nurses to their tribes. 

So, science BEGAN as Medicine men and women were trying to physically and psychologically keep enough members of their tribes alive (any way that they could) and this resulted eventually in the sciences we have today. So, out of Tribal religions came science worldwide.

The ideas that worked and saved tribes from extinction took them to becoming nations eventually as well.

So, the success of the sciences (through both religions and science) created the world we live in today for better or for worse (but usually both).

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