Monday, January 24, 2022

Heal yourself by writing about your life

As we grow up and survive often we see our friends not survive or not survive as well as we have and this is always hard to watch.

But, you notice that often famous people write about their lives.

Actually, it can be useful for literally anyone to write about their lives.

If reading and writing isn't your thing then maybe take your smartphone and record yourself talking about your own life.

Then either the same day or another day, week, month or year listen to what you had to say about your life.

Was what you recorded or wrote useful to you?

Do you still agree with what you said before?

How does listening to what you wrote or recorded make you feel?

Does it make you think differently about your life?

The more honest you can be with yourselves the more likely you can heal yourselves from pain in your lives.

Sometimes crying about things you couldn't cry about at the time is helpful and will be cathartic to you and allow you to move on with your lives. 

In my own life I wouldn't wish on anyone what I had to go through in the 1950s.

However, having survived all that there is a saying: "Anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

This is true too.

However, the other way to look at all this is that from about 1929 to 1950 was so bad many people just killed themselves many different ways just to not experience that era anymore.

So, relatively speaking, from 1929 to 1950 was much worse than what I saw in the 1950s. The 1950s were a "Walk in the park" compared to what Americans went through from 1929 to 1950.

Everything is relative.

However, the 1950s and 1960s, (for me) were so bad nothing that has happened since then except for the early 1970s and 9-11 even comes close to how bad all that was.

And of course, nothing since I was born was really as bad as us losing 870,000 people to Covid the last two years also.

So, write or record your experiences and then read or listen to them and maybe you can heal yourselves and have a good cry that might help you live longer too regarding your life.

By God's Grace

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