Tuesday, April 26, 2022

How do you get in touch with your intuition and instincts for survival in the present world we live in?

Each person of course is different in what they would choose to do.

For example, a city person might turn their closet into an altar and close the door and pray to God there at certain time or times each day.

A suburban or country person might take walks along the ocean or through forests or deserts or around a lake or along a river to increase their oxygen in their lungs or go camping some really beautiful place to increase their sense of well being and to increase their instincts and intuition.

The problem I have noticed is that often you have to shut down your finer senses to live in a big city while thinking more about people sort of being more like animals that you have to protect yourselves from.

Whereas in suburban or country living you don't see as many crazies as you might in the inner cities all over that might kill you or harm you and your family.

That doesn't mean that there aren't people that might harm your family or friends in suburban or country areas too, you just have to look differently at people to see what the problem is in the country or in suburbia than in the cities.

For example, since 1999 I have lived in the safest place I have ever lived in my life and likely the previous 5 years before that I lived within about 5 or 10 years from here and that also was then the safest place I had ever lived in my life.

Living somewhere safe is often more boring but often also more beautiful of a place to live as well.

When I was learning to tune more into my instincts and intuition the most it was from about 1976 to 1985 and during that time I lived in Mt. Shasta mostly and in 1980 began building an A-Frame on my 2 1/2 acres in the Mt. Shasta area. I also studied first Tibetan Buddhism and then Native American Medicine path and then in 1983 met Tibetan Lamas in Santa Cruz and Cottage Grove Oregon and Berkeley California. So, as I got more tuned into nature and my intuitive abilities and instincts I lived more remotely with my family and kids and this was helpful ever since in how I saw my place in the world and in the universe.

But, once again everyone might make different choices in how to prepare themselves to survive these times on earth. Because of Global Climate changes it is inevitable likely that there will be resource and food wars all over the place and what Putin is doing is just the very tip of the iceberg so to speak of these fights worldwide for food and resources during extreme global climate changes this century.

But, to look the other way and not to prepare for what is coming might mean you and your family don't survive what is coming to everyone this century from Global Climate changes. And likely there will be other pandemics and such because of mass extinctions of birds and animals and plants worldwide.

The figure I read out recently is that 1 out of every three species of animals, Birds and plants will go extinct by 2070 and if this happens this likely will cause all sorts of pandemics and plagues as species of all kinds go extinct that protected mankind from this sort of thing before.

So, as extinctions increase, the extinctions of more people will increase exponentially too.

It is likely inevitable.

So, preparing yourselves for these changes might be useful if you want your family to survive them.

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