Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Kalachakra Tantric Initiation of 4 days with the Dalai Lama changed my life and the lives of my family a lot

At the time I had no real idea of what the Kalachakra Initiation really was. We were just trying to meet our friend from Santa Cruz, California "Geshe Lobsang Gyatso" who passed away in the early 2000s I believe in California near where I live. He was born in Kham province in Tibet which is over nearer to China then. He was around the same age as the Dalai Lama and was recognized as a Lama reincarnated as a boy in Kham and then raised in the monasteries of Lhasa after that to become a Geshe which means "Spiritual Friend" by the time he was in his 40s. So, when we met him in Santa Cruz he had been sent over to help Lama Yeshe who started a foundation in Boulder Creek to pass over who reincarnated as a Spanish boy named Lama Oso. Geshela (an endearing name for Geshe Lobsang Gyatso), was a pretty amazing being and known for his "Long Life White Tara" practice that he initiated students into. Some Lamas I found very supernaturally scary whereas Geshela was always literally your spiritual friend.

So, we met Geshela (my family and I) in Bodhgaya, India because he said he would be there on certain specific dates. But, we had no idea at the time why he was going to be there. So, when we arrived via a flight from Bangkok to Kathmandu, Nepal and then rented a driver and car to the border of India and then we took buses to Bodhgaya, India where we were to meet Geshela. Then we found 500,000 people there and there was a loudspeaker sound system and they announced in Tibetan that there were friends of Geshe Lobsang Gyatso looking for him and this is how we met him then. He immediately signed us up for the Kalachakra Tantra.

By the way Tantric in this case only means "Secret" teachings. This is what it means in this case. 

Many people think Tantric means secret Sexual teachings but this isn't it's only or specific meaning. If you are in India Tantric just means "Very secret and powerful teachings" that will completely change your life in a good way.

In the case of Kalachakra it means mostly "The Wheel of Time". Now in Buddhism you have sort of like the  Dharma Wheel (which really is about the Wheel of Time). So, for example, you say in closing a prayer "May I become like all the Buddhas and the bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions and the Three times."

What this means is "May I become like all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the past, present and future throughout the entire universe" because the 10 directions are a way to navigate in Space (like on a UFO or spaceship) and the three times are the past, present and future.

The Dharma wheel (which is usually represented as a wooden wheel) is a symbol of Buddhism much like the Cross is a symbol of Christianity around the world. 

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