Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Awesome

My wife has a plastic bag she bought for shopping for food so she doesn't have to buy a paper or plastic bag and can be more efficient this way. It is purple colored and says on the side: "This Bag is Awesome!"

Whenever I see this bag I smile because it reminds me of "The Awesome" which is a Time Space ship that first came here from the first timeline to visit me from 7028 AD on the first timeline. It first came in 1969 when I was having difficulty staying alive in this body when I was 21. Next, it came the month my son was born in 1974 on Mt. Shasta and left a real imprint of the Saucer in the snow at Bunny Flat there.

Often I tend to think of my home as the holodeck of "The Awesome" which is King Interlaken's Time Space Ship used for traveling time all over the earth and also traveling to other planets and stars closer to 7028 on the first timeline of Earth.

Here is a little about the real Awesome written about the year 7028. I wrote this likely in the early 1980s.

begin partial quote from:

 Whirring, scanning and confusion greeted Elohar. The sensory overload caused her to lose consciousness.

Quickly Ragna moved to new commands," King-5 sentient ellipse, heal and move Elohar to crews quarters room three. Protect sensibilities from further harm." Though Elohar was now unconscious her body floated on an invisible gurney or stretcher to room 3 of the King's own private silver violet blue shaped disk designated King 5. On a more personal note the King's name for the ship would translate to something like "the Awesome."

After preparing and testing all equipment Ragna entered the awesome and brought his other crewmembers back from the past. They stayed in stasis or went on leave but in the far future or far past as only Ragna was allowed any knowledge of Time travel in their home era. When it was time for replacement he would train others. This method meant that if Ragna's culture was invaded somehow and he was unable to stop the problem in time by time manipulation Ragna was programmed to self-destruct rather than have time travel fall into the wrong hands.

Ragna's men were recruited during a future military aviation crash that would have been fatal had they been not been removed from their aircraft in time. Also Ragna's crew were dna descendants of his and handpicked. Elohar had already told Ragna that his commander was himself born again in the future and his gunnery officer was someone else he knew reborn. Ragna did not know how to deal with this so he always tried to put off dealing with it at all along with a lot of other time anomoly emotional stuff.

As Ragna walked within 20 paces to the awesome the ship greeted him in a woman's voice. "Who goes there!" the Awesome said threateningly." Time one Ragna, the King's messenger and time general."" Done." The Awesome said. Then" quick entry only."" Done." Said Ragna. He really disliked all this protocol but knew that it was necessary for security. He scrambled up the open door before it closed on him. He heard the thud of the closing walkway door at about the same time he heard" welcome aboard, Sir!" "Vital, Vital 7" Ragna replied in code. "Time one is genuine and from this time, Sir." Ensign Free replied. By this mutual code the commander knew not to kill Ragna as an imposter and vice versa.

Ragna then turned to his gunnery and security officer. And said, Ensign "Are we secure?"" From this time, yes!"

" What about the unknown property, Elohar, the King's seer?" said Free" We can only classify her from present time and record her actions in any changes in her DNA." "Done sir. The Awesome's Robomed has already completed the task for the next 100 years."" Excellent! What was the result?" " Two tamperings, Sir. One is from the future in one is from the past." The ensign was nervous. What else is wrong?" " If time is not tempered with you and she will have a son seven years hence." I'm not surprised," said Ragna nervously." A good son, ensign?"" Yes sir, the best of you both and more." " Excellent! A toast to the future, men!"

At this statement glasses of effervescent liquid appeared in each of their three outstretched hands. They drank heartily." A toast to the past." Again their glasses were full and they drank." A toast to the present and long-live our Holy King!" Again their glasses filled by themselves while in midair.

With the traditional formalities of the fraternal brotherhood and sisterhood and beinghood of time protectors completed Ragna ventured something personal" a toast to my future wife and son. May they prosper and live forever if they wish." All three men repeated the last statement.

Immediately after this, Elohar somewhat stupefied walked toward them awkwardly and said" Ragna will you introduce me?" Ragna was taken aback by the intrusion into their fraternal group and said,"uh, why I yes of course."

Elohar, Holy seer to our good King and Emperor I present Commander Free and Ensign Hawk from a future time." Both officers bowed and shook her hand. This was a once-in-a-lifetime treat as she was the first woman of this time period of Earth that they were ever allowed to meet. Ragna then explained their presence here and of the future they lived in to Elohar. "Your ladyship, we serve general Ragna and the Emperor of this time because our lives were saved and because our era and even our births depend upon this time staying unviolated by the distant past or distant future or the unscrupulous in the present." "It's amazing to meet such gentlemen from a distant time. Your accents are quite remarkable." " Oh, Genesian is not our native language. Our language is more akin to Americanized English of the 20th century.", commander free offered." "Yes I could hear that in your accent." Elohar replied. "You must be very knowledgeable to hear that." Ensign Hawk noted." We have made friends with your son from a previous time, Jonathan in the late 20th century, Elohar." " When did you do that?", asked Elohar incredulously." When you mentioned to Ragna about Jonathan we overheard your conversation. The 'Awesome' monitors all Ragna's thoughts, movements and even his diet and ablutions." " When did you have time to do this?" It's hard to believe your efficiency." "We need only five minutes to go into the past stay up to six months and return." " It must be confusing at times." Said Elohar "Yes your ladyship, but we have learned to think and feel the necessary ways to maintain balance." " Amazing!" Said Elohar.

" Could want you introduce me to the ship's sentience?" Elohar said eagerly. The commander and ensign looked at General Ragna who was captain of the awesome. Ragna flickered a smile at this." May I present her awesomeness, Elohar?" Her awesomeness quipped." Please call me Timeless, Elohar. All my friends call me that."

Note: unless the ships sentience is manifesting hollophysically as an adult five foot six inch 20 something female with blond hair and green eyes and a Nordic complexion she is called Timeless or Awesome.endnote. At this point the computer voice turned into Jan, the 20 something sentien being appearing to be human but really being the ships complete sentient and computer awareness. "Amazing!" cried Elohar. What are you called now? Timeless answered, "If I'm just a voice I'm Timeless but if I manifest as Jan I have all the qualities of a good friend or diplomat or if necessary- warrior. "Why is that Timeless?" Elohar. It's just how I was designed. There are times when a diplomat is needed and sometimes the crew are unconscious or out working in a time or whatever." Elohar said, "Unconscious?" Jan said, "In stasis in some types of hostile and non hostile situations. If the crew is in stasis I can go zero to 16,000 miles an hour even within the Earth's atmostphere." Elohar said, "Wow! Timeless! I mean Jan you are the most amazing human replicant I have ever seen." Jan said, "That's because I am an Above Top Secret military sentient device. Even though I'm above top-secret you need to know a few things while you are travelling with us. Besides you have been given relatively infinite trust clearance by our Leader, King Interlaken. Neither my technology or I or anyone on board can be attacked in any way from any known time. Thus I am timeless." "That's remarkable,Jan,Uh Timeless I feel like a baby in the world you live in. I have a lot to learn." Jan-Timeless went on, "Most of the technology will be erased from your long-term and short-term memory when you are returned to your home time. You will remember everything you need to but all reference to how our technology works and also any knowledge that would be useful to anyone trying to duplicate our technology will be gone and irretrievable." " Will I be damaged as a Seer?" Elohar was very concerned. "There is a 98.8 percent likelihood you will be enhanced and not harmed at all on his journey." "But I will be changed!" Spoke Elohar as she found her voice rising. " Yes, Elohar, time travel always changes one. Just as a journey to a culture on the other side of one's world can permanently change one."

As Elohar turned from Jan, the beautiful woman that Timeless manifested as she saw the Awesome's three officers staring intently at her. She was a much greater enigma to all of them than the awesome, timeless or Jan.

The men were proud and strong for they were the best of the best at what they did and their attitude reflected that. Redirecting Elohar, Ragna said quickly, " We all wish you to know that you are very welcome aboard, Elohar. I'm sorry you fainted and had to be gurneyed in. We've never transported a full empath, telepath, healer or seer through time. We are not sure of the long term consequences." Elohar got a faraway look in her eye and said," actually, Ragna or should I say general or captain." "Captain will do." Ragna said." Actually, Captain, you will change far more than I on this journey." The hair stood up on the back of Ragna's neck. Free and Hawk felt it too. The three spent a tense moment eyeing each other. Ensign Free spoke first," Captain, Commander Hawk and I would like to request some rest and relaxation in our own era when this mission is over."" Done!", Ragna replied.

Note: should you wish to meet Ragna and Elohar they are located approximately 3000 years future at the palace you can't miss. You will find it in the vicinity of the Matterhorn in Switzerland. Elohar can be reached through time astral projection or time bi-location. Ragna can be reached if you are skilled enough as a technician.

" Well everyone, our security procedures demand that we leave now." Hawk and Free went about their duties. Elohar asked what she should do." Commander Hawk is our pilot. We will be underway in a few seconds. We will reform 20 miles off the coast of San Francisco underwater and under the cover of night. As you requested the year will be 2005."

Ragna looked at Elohar and said," even though the ship calls herself Timeless, the men and I call her The 'Awesome' because it is the King's endearing name for her. So if we call her Awesome you'll know who we mean." "All right, I'll remember that." Said Elohar.

Elohar heard an unfamiliar hum and said," should we sit down and strapped in?"" That is not necessary unless timeless or the commander asks us to because right now we are not moving in space only time. Also, we are in the most luxurious time device known. Timeless is safe enough for our King to observe history safely at any point just as it was made." I bet the reality is much different than history as it is written." Quipped Elohar." Yes, I'm afraid your right. However, a nation only has to be concerned with how things are perceived by its people. Whether those things are true or not is irrelevant unless everyone can travel through time and is allowed to tell their stories and is believed. If that happened then all nations throughout history could fall. One of the reasons my job exists is to make sure that time to continues to be perceived as it was cynical though that might be."

" General! Your ladyship! Come and see! We're underwater off the coast of San Francisco in summer 2005. I've got their ancient interactive cable on 50 segments of our wall screen." One of the segments made Elohar blush and Ragna smile. It disappeared quickly as Commander Hawk realized Elohar was a celibate priestess still. Ragna smiled because despite her powers she was not worldly in a physical sense (yet).

Ragna sensed the controlled passion in her. Her presence warmed all three men. Sometimes her presence made the men feel like they were going to faint. For the men it was very intoxicating and pleasant. However, they all knew it was all the more reason to focus on their duties in order to return to their respective times as soon as possible.

After 20 minutes to one-half hour of listening to the interactive cable shows Elohar said,"Ragna we must first go to Mt. Shasta before we go to Rewalsar." "You know, Elohar, we've modified most satellites above the earth to act as mind telephones and to read minds."" That may be true, Ragna, but it is very important we contact Jonathan in person. I know we could influence him through dreams and altered motivations but what we are dealing with here is pivotal to life on Earth continuing. I don't fully understand this gentlemen, but the fabric of time and space seems to be at stake, at least as far as the earth and solar system are concerned.

Chapter 2 note: February 4th 2008-I realized today that Chapter 2 doesn't follow chapter 5. Though now isn't the time to change it. At least it is a useful demarkation. Blessings readers! end note.

The awesome is underwater 20 miles off the coast of San Francisco. The ship rises up out of the water and slowly floats up toward the Golden Gate Bridge. As they move up over the Bridge it is between 11 P. M. and 1 AM so the Bridge is lighted up and quite beautiful. It is a very romantic night. They move slowly and a notice several people are looking awestruck by the unusual light. A purple blue and silver disk is very different from the usual on a beautiful San Francisco night. Before any military jets can get within ten miles of them they move from San Francisco to Mt. Shasta within one-half a second. When the jets arrive to the Awesome's previous location it is already hundreds of miles to the northeast and already inside the mountain.

The mountain opens up to receive the awesome as per Elohar's instructions. The men are in awe of Elohar at this point because to them this has become an amazing discovery. Ragna said," How long have you known of this, Elohar?" " I read many books on the legends of Mt. Shasta. So I time astral projected to ascertain the facts. This is one of the things I found. It seems there are have been civilizations before recorded history. Lemuria and Atlantis are but two of these."" Remarkable, Elohar!" Said Ragna.

Elohar lectured the three men concerning ancient lemurian treasures and legends that are recorded in the Magna and rocks throughout this area. She told them all they have to do is to put their head against any one of the rocks and meditate and the secrets of Lemuria and Mu will form in their subconscious minds. Slowly like a flower growing and opening the secrets will work their way to the surface of the men's consciousness over the years through dreams and visions. All four stand for a while touching their heads to the indoor cliffs absorbing the usefulness of the ancient ancestors. All the secrets of Lemuria can be experienced perfectly in time like a flower unfolding in the morning sunlight. Facts about Atlantis and other civilizations can be unlocked in slightly different ways. Elohar picked up a 5 lb. rock and slipped it into her shoulder pouch. The men looked at her strangely. She said in response," I'm going to put it under my pillow on the awesome." The men had a strange look of "Oh!" on their faces.

Elohar explained the symbols on the walls. Stopping before a large equal pointed ornate cross she said," this is called the sacred four. It is the main emblem and symbol of the Lemurian culture." " What does it represent, Elohar?" Said Hawk." It represents balance, power, Harmony, and equipose. The Lemurians believed in living in Harmony with the powers of nature. All who were educated in Lemuria were taught to resonate as perfectly as possible with the sentient being earth. They did not believe in dominating the earth or the land. They believed in living in cooperation with the earth."

" The Lemurian culture by this method created a totally different basis of living on the earth than we have seen since. It was quite different than you or I have seen in any of the times you have either physically visited or any of the times I have visited through dimensional out of body travel. My first out of body visit to ancient Lemuria was only a few weeks ago and was very disorienting because they did not want me to return to my body in my home time. Only with great effort was I able to return and escape ancient Lemuria. I was told by the Lemurian Leadership my priestesses in my home time in the Alps of Europe are reincarnations of the ones I visited in Lemuria. I was told by the Lemurian leadership that full knowledge of Lemuria could be dangerous to the fabric of all time on earth if held improperly. They said improper perception of their Lemurian era could harm all space-time since Lemuria. I'm still trying to comprehend what they meant by that." Ragna commented," Without traveling to Lemuria physically and observing and studying the culture firsthand it is difficult to know for sure what was meant. It's amazing that you went back that far. We can't do that with our time ships because there are physical barriers or force fields in place preventing that." " If we are to know the answer, Captain Ragna, we will be shown at some point." Said Elohar.

Elohar began teaching the men what she knew about the ancient secrets through time of the Mt. Shasta area and locale, Atlantis and the Brotherhood of Light. She said," They (The Brotherhood of light) have been helping mankind evolve in civilization after civilization for hundreds of thousands of years, maybe longer." The three men marveled at the esoteric knowledge she conveyed to them and their lives were forever changed by what she revealed.

At a certain point Elohar got a faraway looked in her eyes and said, " Jonathan is waiting for us. It is time to go."

Ragna led the way back down the Mountain's ancient corridors and into their ship 'The Awesome. He felt reassured entering something he was familiar with. He felt in this mountain feelings and thoughts he had never considered thinking or feeling. He realized these thoughts had shaken him in a way he hadn't even considered before. He felt most of all a peace he had never known before. Elohar asked the rocks to open once again and the ship came out of the mountain. What seemed strange to Ragna was not that the mountain opened for them to enter. What was strange to him was that the landing pad seemed to be built exactly the right size for ships like his. This landing pad area was thousands and thousands of years old and self-maintaining and self protecting. He thought to himself, "Whoever built this may have put that block in time before the time of Christ. I have a funny feeling. This won't be the end of all this for us. There is much more to this than meets the eye."

Chapter 3

Now we return to the point where the awesome emerged from the water near the Golden Gate Bridge next to San Francisco, California. When Ragna and Elohar first arrived in 'The Awesome' over the Golden Gate Bridge fighter jets were scrambled from Travis Air Force Base east of the bay near Vacaville, California. Two men were playing cards at Travis quickly scrambled their fighter jets to intercept 'The awesome' which to them was an unknown bogie. When the men were within five to ten minutes of confronting and are locking onto the awesome with their air-to-air missiles the awesome moved in 1/2 second from San Francisco to Mt. Shasta area. Satellites above California designed for tracking incoming Nuclear missiles track the U.F.O. in it's 1/2 second flight to Mt. Shasta. The pilots watch. Their code names are Luke and Eagle One. Eagle One says," Luke did you see that?" " No." Replied Luke. " But if it had been there it would have been incredible wouldn't it?" " Yeah", said Eagle 1," It would have been fastest purple blue meteorite that I've ever seen." They both laughed at this. " Travis Tower here. Your orders are to fly to Mt. Shasta area at subsonic speeds and do a slow 25 mile diameter continuous circle of the area using Mt. Shasta as a center." "Tower, this is Eagle 1, did you get a speed on it?" " No more chatter, Eagle 1. Go subsonic to Shasta then circle and wait for further orders." " Yes Sir!" Eagle One and Luke both responded. A few minutes after Eagle 1 and Luke arrived in the vicinity of Mt. Shasta the purple blue meteorite came up out of the mountain. However, it soon disappeared then reappeared a few miles away heading toward Eureka, California area and out to sea leaving the two pilots in amazement.

Eagle 1 said," I think it's time we climbed Mt. Shasta, Luke." " Ditto"-said Luke. " This is Travis Tower, Eagle 1, what did you see?" " Travis read my broadcast on the three word scrambler." " Roger Eagle 1." " Momentarily saw similar U.F. 0 to the one seen in San Francisco over the bay and Golden Gate Bridge. Then it shot away toward Eureka I think." " Yes, Eagle 1 it's headed out to sea." " It must have some sort of time space displacement, nothing living could survive that acceleration otherwise." " Transmission complete. No chatter. That's an order!" " Yes Sir!" Was their answer.

Chapter 4 the Himalayas

With flash the Awesome was out to sea and headed for Rewalsar, Himcahl Pradesh state in India. Jonathan Flow and his family are there. Jonathan is an American born around 1950 to Ragna and Elohar in their past lives. Jonathan is now 38 years old. He has been traveling in Thailand, Nepal, and India. His experiences have greatly enriched his life and his wife and children's.

When Ragna first contacts Jonathan's mind he is amazed at how many different facets he has in his awareness of life. In Ragna's time people are much more specialized. Only a few like King Interlaken and Elohar in Ragna's time would have a mind as multifaceted from external and internal experiences as Jonathan's. At the time Ragna first observes Jonathan's mind Jonathan is looking over his life up to that point. What is disturbing to Ragna is the way in which he does this. Jonathan uses many mystical methods to travel to his future and pasts. The basis of Jonathan's mind is instinctual and intuitive rather than completely based on mechanics, logic and reason as Ragna's mind and behavior tends to be. Ragna immediately sees the value of Jonathan's way of problem solving and processing information and wonders why this way of functioning hadn't occurred to him sooner. Ragna previous to this had only reverted to intuitive and instinctual behavior when in battle. Even then this behavior was controlled by logic and reason. Jonathan on the other hand uses logic and reason but only when he finds them useful. So his basis is God, Nature, instinct, intuition, compassion, pragmatism, logic and then reason. By functioning in this order any situation he finds himself in anywhere in the universe is dealt with successfully.

Jonathan, because of how he was raised sees the whole universe and himself as one experience. He does not see himself as separate from the entire universe. Ragna imagines that this must be similar to how Elohar functions also. He wonders at all the many far reaching implications of this.

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