Thursday, April 28, 2022

Russia is falling apart

The war in Ukraine is an illustration in how and why Russia is falling apart.

However, here is the problem: As more and more Russian soldiers die in Ukraine it will be harder and harder to replace them when they are dying so quickly and most without any training.

The problem becomes: Putin is embarrassed that it is obvious to everyone now that his system of government is failing on multiple levels.

One reason for this is that Global Climate change is slowly or quickly killing all autocracies on earth.


Because they are top down and cannot change fast enough to cope with climate changes in order to survive.

So, as a result they become more and more brutal sort of like Drug Lords enforcing their top down rules to the point where bad things happen worldwide because of this.

Only Democracies can move quick enough to withstand present and future global climate changes fast enough to actually survive what is coming for all life on earth.

But, here is the problem:

In Putin Panicking about now from seeing how badly his Army is doing in Ukraine he might resort to first tactical nuclear weapons in his desperation.

So, the danger is Putin's fear of the collapse from within of his government and using nuclear weapons to show strength where there is really none.

This is the real danger in the short and long run of both Putin's autocracy and China's autocracy. 

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