Friday, April 29, 2022

It's time to be strategic in planning for the survival of your families worldwide

 I'm not sure living in cities (unless you are older and financially well fixed) is going to work anymore. If you are young enough to do this having at least 2 1/2 acres that you can grow food on with a well for every 2 people you need to feed might be important worldwide about now. Food prices likely are going to skyrocket through the roof from here on out for several years because of the Ukraine War and the 2 years the world lost to Covid-19 so far and supply chain disruptions and Chipageddon etc.

The price of food cannot help but jump in leaps and bounds now because the chip problem just got worse because the neon they need to make neon lasers to cut apart manufactured microchips just lost 50% of it's sources in Ukraine and southern Russia because of the war. So, once again cars and trucks both used and new are going to rise. We recently were car shopping and found that our dealer said that instead of waiting 6 months when you order a new car that the wait is now down to about 2 months time. However, because of the neon problem in Ukraine and southern Russia I would order your car now because soon the wait could be up to 6 months once again pretty soon because of the chip shortage. And this will only make worse the food prices for ANY food that has to be hauled on anything from car to truck worldwide and even flying food is going to be more expensive due to increased prices on chips on newer planes. So, increasing prices for food worldwide are likely inevitable.

This is why people need to think about well water and access to at least 2 1/2 acres of land to grow their own food worldwide or else many people are just going to starve all over the place worldwide during these times.

It was like this during the 1970s and early 1980s worldwide too when inflation was around 10% or more at that time.

Note: The Dealer looking for a car for us just told us the wait for a car is now up to 4 months time just in the last week or so. (when you order one that is new to your exact specifications).

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