Sunday, November 13, 2022

I was listening to a man talk about going into Telos Under Mt. Shasta today on Youtube.

 He was saying how he didn't know what Telos Was until he experienced it while hiking around on mt. Shasta. He was sitting between some boulders not too far from the upper parking lot where the old ski bowl was when he noticed a breeze of air hitting him from behind. He turned around and noticed where one of the boulders had been there was now an entrance. So, he got up and looked down this 8 foot tall entrance into the earth and saw way down there a person. He though the person was his size which is 6 feet tall but as he got closer the person was actually 8 feet tall. The person told him to call him Alex. The man said that's the name of my son. The man said: "We know your son." And he then proceeded to show him the Telos City under Mt. Shasta which is a Lemurian city that has been there for thousands and thousands of years already.

I found it very healing because the man I knew had actually had this experience simply because of the way he talked about it sort of like he almost couldn't believe it and was worried about what other people might think but also realizing sharing this story would help other people deal with these kinds of realities here on earth and other places through the universe.

This was on the Journey to Truth Podcast if you are interested in listening to it. However, I think it was the one maybe before the Telos Running podcast which is more about running and getting into shape.

The guy speaking said that he was a light worker but had no idea what Telos was until he had this experience of going into the mountain.

I remembered being at one of the entrances around 1969 or 1970 and I asked the beings there if I should go into the mountain and they said: "IF you go in here you will choose to never come out. So, it's better if you don't go in here right now because you have a life work ahead of you here on the outside of the planet earth."

And my wife and daughter said to me that this is true about what they have heard too. You don't go in to Telos usually unless you might stay soon or some day soon. So, going in might be better for older people who are ready to do something else with their lives and have already had their children and grandchildren and been with a partner or married and all that first.

Because once you go there the vibration is so high like a heaven realm that you never would want to leave.

By God's Grace

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