Saturday, November 12, 2022

I wrote "Uncle Tommy Travels Time" in 2005 I guess

 My mother was still alive then but passed away by 2008 along with my Aunt Eloise, my wife's father, my mother and my cousin Janice. So, this was a very difficult year for me and my wife losing this many people we were close to in one year.

But, this was 2005 3 years before this. My cousin has a military induction paper I believe for Tommy. He showed it to me and told me he thought that since Tommy was a pilot they wondered if he had been a test pilot training to take off and land from aircraft carriers for the group with Dolittle took to bomb Tokyo and Japan earlier in the war to scare the Japanese and then some ran out of fuel before or on Chinese soil then after bombing Japan because these planes were too big to land back on an aircraft carrier even though they did manage to take off from an aircraft carrier near to Japan enough to pull all this off to scare the Japanese to put them back on their heels so to speak which worked to some degree at the time.

However, Tommy was exceptional in his own ways like for example, when the 3 brothers worked at Grand Coulee Dam in Washington they all three were dump truck drivers and Tommy always got the most money because they were paid by the load. So, Tommy took out the seat because it was too bouncy and banged his head on the ceiling the faster he drove to make more loads. He put a plank of wood to sit on that wouldn't catapult him into the ceiling of the dump truck cab then.

Also, my Dad met his first wife there at Grand Coulee Dam while the 3 brothers worked driving dump trucks while they built the dam. NO one could match the number of loads per day as Tommy and when they tried often they would crash their dump trucks and get injured or worse.

So, you need to know that my Dad and my uncles were all risk takers which was much more common before I grew up. I also was always a physical risk taker too in my life and living through all that is a lot for all of us but Tommy took it to a whole new level with Time Travel.

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