Tuesday, November 8, 2022

If you live to be old enough sexual attraction mostly goes away

 This is something someone said to me recently and to some degree it is true. Mostly what happens I believe is that you both as you get past 60 or 70 especially develop pains and infirmities of various kinds so sex becomes less and less practical. Of course there are always exceptions to this rule too along the way.

But, in the main most people develop infirmities of various kinds like muscle aches and pains or hip or knee replacements or whatever is going on like heart ailments that are manageable after 60 or 70 that might not be useful to have sexual intercourse because of.

So, at that point the relationship better be a friendship that stands the test of time.

The problem I noticed in my early 20s and 30s is how many relationships broke up because Sex was the ONLY thing considered in those relationships and that just isn't enough to make a relationship work long term.

Both people have to be adults and be practical for any relationship to survive long term because a live in relationship is mostly about how to survive whatever comes in one's life. So, if you don't have the skills to survive whatever comes together then it cannot work.

And sex alone isn't going to make your relationship practical in any way shape or form no matter what fantasy you want to live in sexually in your lives.

So, friendship and practicality is what is going to make relationships work long term whether you are having a happy sexual relationship with that person or not long term.

IF you are sexually compatible that might make things better it's true but this doesn't always happen in long term relationships. But, when it does on top of friendship and practicality that can be a beautiful thing too long term.

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