Saturday, November 19, 2022


 I often find writing is best when I first wake up in the morning. It's better that I don't wake up with an alarm for this and instead wake up naturally when my body is rested enough. This way you have just spent the night with God asleep and when you first wake up God is still with you. So, this I find is one of the best times to write really amazing things from God.

However, Angels and God often summon me any time of the day or night to write something, and if it turns out well enough I publish it here at this blog or one of my other ones. Or sometimes I publish something and delete it for one reason or another within 1 to 5 minutes. Other things I might keep for 24 hours before I delete them.

I find I have to be careful what I write and how I write it because often your intentions are good but people might misconstrue what you write. So, I find it better karma wise to make sure what I write does the most good possible for as many lives as possible.

Remember, beings throughout this galaxy from the past, present and future might read one day whatever you write. So, you have a responsibility to be as clear and helpful as possible with your writings.

By God's Grace

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