Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Falls on his Sword for the good of the Country!

You cannot help but Admire the courage and self sacrifice of this man's life. He lost his wife, his daughter and a son along the way and still self sacrificed for his country all these years since he was a young man.

When you compare this giving self sacrificing man who has always sacrificed for his country to the criminal selfish person that Trump is there is literally no comparison to the goodness of Joe Biden compared to the liar and deceiver Donald Trump.

So, for Joe Biden to fall on his sword like this for the good of the country is once again a demostration of the goodness of this man.

Could you EVER expect Trump to do something like this?


As I have said recently as a precognitive Intuitive was that the most likely president will be Kamala Harris or Nikki Haley and not Trump or Biden. This was always clear to me as an intuitive.

Also, I don't think this will be the last attempt on Trump's life because of Iranian and lone wolf Assassins will continue to try to kill him from now on no matter what. I'm not sure Trump has what it takes to face many more attempts on his life from Iran or lone Wolf Reagan Republicans who are the most likely to actually succeed at assassinating him. 

I could easily see Trump deciding to stay alive and deferring to Nikki Haley. Trump has serious PTSD already as demonstrated by his nominating speech last Thursday. Trump is not the same person either because he doesn't want to die from an assassins bullet or bullets.

As a precognitive intuitive there is presently a 50-50 chance that Iran will succeed in assassinating Trump before or after the election.

I think Trump knows this too.

However, it might be important to know that the Iranians have cruise missiles that fly below the radar too.

So, they might be difficult to detect like all sorts of smaller drones that could drop a hand grenade on Trump too.

For example, I could see the Iranians using a disguised police drone so others would think it a part of the Secret Service Detail at ralleys.

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