Friday, July 5, 2024

health improving enough to get into Hot Tub once again for the 4th of July

 I was able to stay out of the hospital and to drive back to the Norcal Coast where I usually live a week ago last Wednesday. Then the trick was to stay out of the hospital which I did with the help of my wife from the bronchitis I got in Mt. Shasta at a restaurant there which prevented me from sleeping more than a couple of hours for several days there. So, when I got home here on the coast at first I couldn't sleep because of coughing so I just sat up in a chair in the living room so I wouldn't cough and dozed for 4 hours. Then finally at around 6 pm a week ago last Wednesday I was able to get into a position where I could sleep some and I slept the next 20 hours or so. This is mainly how i stayed out of the hospital from lack of sleep combined with Bronchitis. But, it's more complicated than that because of Edema which come from CHF in my case. So, regulating furosemide combined with bronchitis for the first time in around 6 years or so and being 76 was very tricky staying out of the hospital and staying alive. However, with God and Angels help my stamina came back enough after a week of this so far since I returned from Mt. Shasta that I felt safe enough to get into the Hot tub today. The weather has been nice here and was about 72 degrees today when I got into my hot tub.

Also, my wife ordered a Cherry pie from whole Foods today and this is really nice too for the 4th of July along with Potato Salad from Whole foods which was really nice too.

I can see why so many people die in warmer temperatures or at higher altitude that I'm living at at the beach here because I barely survived the last week outside of a hospital myself. So, I'm very grateful to God and Angels and to my wife for standing by me through all of this.

I am always grateful for the Grace in my life that God has always bestowed upon me and my family.

By God's Grace

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