Friday, July 5, 2024

If you cultivate angels in your life they will always be with you

 It's mostly about your sincerity and honestness and integrity and things like this in life. Being honest with yourself and God about what is happening in your life and around you is where all this begins. Because if you can be honest with yourself first then you can also be honest with others as long as this is safe to do in life.

IN Tibetan Buddhism I learned Right Mindfulness. 

There are two or more kinds of Compassion.

The first that is the most common is Idiot Compassion.

This simply means that you are so thoughtless as you are compassionate that sometimes people die or are maimed through your compassion and this you see happen around us all the time in life.

So, learning right mindful compassion is what one learns through experience in life (Hopefully) and this kind of compassion can be the most helpful. 

For Example, Jeff Bezos built over 100 units of low income rental housing in Lahaina which we could see from the road going past (that completely bypasses Lahaina now.

I'm not saying that Jeff Bezos is necessarily compassionate but rather that what he has done will allow many people to stay nearer their properties as they rebuild whether they can afford to do this or not.

So, the point is that when you can be efficient and helpful in your compassion you can help the most people.

So, learning to be helpful to yourself and others while being very efficient at this causing the most good things to happen in your lives and the lives of others.

So, this efficient compassion often is the best in helping all mankind survive even one more day.

By God's Grace

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