Thursday, July 4, 2024

How did the Internet begin?

 Basically, it started with Darpa and the need for a redundant 100 computers with all the information one would need to restart society after a nuclear war. Also, all freeways in the 1950s were built for escaping en masse a nuclear war hitting big cities all over the U.S. So, Darpa developed a plan of storing all the information you would need in the 100 largest metropolitan areas and other bases so that they could all share the same information. Then the military started sending information in between these 100 plus redundant computers with the same information in them and then colleges and universities started what you might call emailing important research information. Finally people realized that it might be helpful if all people could share information this way. Then finally smart phones were invented and Emailing turned into Texting also.

So, basically it started with a Darpa military operation trying to not lose all civilization here in the U.S. if and when we got nuked by Russia or China from the 1950s to the 1990s.

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