Monday, July 15, 2024

I think that Being is life and Time is how we can experience Being as human beings

As I grew up I noticed beings literally working themselves to death all around me. I thought to myself this didn't make any sense in the 1950s. Also, in my church people were superstitious and didn't go to doctors and then I had to watch people I knew and loved die a lot.

This taught me something: "LIFE IS PRECIOUS".

So, I began by thinking that a person should work smarter not harder.

However, it's true that some people are workaholics and have to be working all the time so they don't think about their problems. However, often this strategy puts them in an early grave too.

When I went to Hawaii and lived in Hilo for the first time I realized something. People there for the previous 1000 years could live on fruit and fish and poi and be okay. They didn't really need to build houses to ward off the snow and rain. I realized Being was an option in environments like this (at least where there were democracies in place where people weren't turned into literal slaves.

All these things taught me something. What I basically learned is that people who live where it snows often become workaholics in order to not freeze to death. Whereas people who live where it is warmer where there are fish and coconuts and papayas and mangoes might have a very different philosophy of life than people trying not to freeze to death in order to survive where they live.

Each Climate forces people to be something naturally if they want to survive.

One of the things I realized is that Being is our natural state and Time is how we can experience Being.

However, most people might not learn any of these things or even observe what I saw in my life.

Mostly I just looked around me at people working to death by 20 or 30 years of age in the 1950s and realized I didn't want to do that too.

So, working all the time wasn't what defined me as an adult. Instead I was defined by being a father and a husband and a business owner. And as a business owner I could often choose when I wanted to work and when I wanted to do something else including travel the world and learn more about other cultures so I could learn even more amazing things about our world.

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