Monday, July 8, 2024

I used to be very good at the art of flirting but i had to give it up when I began this latest marriage in 1995

 At the time of 1995 I had gone through a very difficult divorce and so I had to rethink a whole lot of things about my life. but then again I was 47 years old then too and it was time for me to maybe "Grow up" a little?

The art of flirting for me became like a since starting around 1969 when I was 21 years old. Everyone was dating everyone then because AIDS didn't hit until at least 1980 or after. So, dating was going on strong all over the U.S.

So, flirting was just a normal part of life. The essence of flirting is what I would call the "Double Entendre" which is to say that what you say always has two or more potential meanings.

So, for example, you would say something that would be very complimentary in either meaning but in one meaning you are definitely signaling you are interested in a playful way of this person. but another meaning might mean literally anything else.

So, if the person you are flirting with wants to be with you in some way they will take the meaning of what you say that way. If not, they might take it the other way which is okay too.

This allows you to "Flirt" with someone without going out on a limb by saying something that could be taken in two or more ways. So, you don't have to worry about being rejected because you can always say that you meant the not flirting meaning.

This at least is how flirting used to work.


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