Monday, July 1, 2024

If you are a blogger at

There is something that would be useful to know. It is in regard to the counters of visits to your site or sites.

The have never until recently gone above about 2.5 million ever. And I have been blogging here since 2007 because I found that went worldwide with Google wherever Google goes too and they have a thing called "Compose" which is an Auto Coder so you don't have to program yourself in HTML or a compatible computer language like I had to with my previous website when existed.

Now I have seen numbers over 4 million at my site but this is ONLY because the counters reset to Zero from 2.5 million multiple times over the years. This might be important for you to know about.

For example, because of the periodic resets to zero of the counters I figure at this point my visits to my site are somewhere between 10 and 20 million visits. So, maybe I should round off my estimate to maybe 15 million visits or more?

But since the most recent reset of counters my Counter says 4,418,302

or four million four hundred eighteen thousand three hundred and two visits.

So, I'm thinking that their new counter limit is at this point at least 5 million which is much better than the previous 2.5 million which didn't work for me at all.

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