Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I'm noticing that crops are producing less almost everywhere because of weather changes

So, generally speaking around the world everywhere can grow less food. And it doesn't really matter if it's droughts, flooding, Hurricanes, heat, Tornadoes or whatever it is less is being grown now yearly worldwide.

What will this cause?

Much more expensive food much more expensive grain for chicken, Turkeys and Cattle and sheep and Goats so everything is going to cost more and more and more people are going to starve worldwide because they won't be able to afford to buy food.

This appears to be the main reason that people are dying a lot. the heat is killing people all over the world and there isn't enough food available at a price people can afford to pay.

However, the richest on earth will always be fed because they can afford to have food shipped from other countries where the weather cycle is good that year.

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