Thursday, July 18, 2024

Once again the coldest temperatures in my county are 50 degrees less than the highest

If you are on the coast it is going to be 60 to 65 degrees. However, if you are inland it could be up to 110 degrees so a 50 degree potential difference in Temperatures in the same county.

In most counties outside of California this would never been true except for extreme mountainous areas likely. However, in the summer time this is getting to be more and more normal here on the Northern   Coast of California.

Right now where I am on the coast it's foggy and it's 63 degrees at around 2 pm. However, other places it is over 100 degrees at the same time. So, unless you have 14,000 foot peaks where you live you likely don't have this extreme difference in Temperatures where you live in the U.S. in your county. 

For example, I have climbed Mt. Shasta in August of 1970 to the top. In the city it had been 100 degrees the day I climbed up to Horse Camp then with my friends who were going to climb to the top of Mt. Shasta. However, I forgot how cold it can get at Horse Camp in August and as the temperature dropped below freezing I realized I did not have a warm enough sleeping bag to keep me warm. So, I woke up one of my climbing buddies and told him I was Heading up the mountain at 2 am because I couldn't stay warm enough staying still in my sleeping bag at these temperatures. As I started hiking up the mountain to the top I began to warm up but when I reached the summit it was very windy and my brain was suffering oxygen deprevation too I realized because I felt like I was about 5 years old in my mind and head. I summitted the mountain at around 4 pm in the afternoon. But this was not a problem because I brought greenhouse plastic to slide down on in the snow that year. So, I could literally slide down on plastic dragging my ice axe to slow me so I didn't die doing this at this steep angle. So, I literally slid down from 12,000 feet to about 9,000 feet in 15 to 30 minutes with breaks to rest my ice axe arm from braking in the snow which sent up a rooster tail of snow 20 feet into the air as I went down a trough made by other climbers doing the same thing to get down quickly. So, I was able to reach Horse CAmp at around 8000 feet before Sunset which was good and another hour I was at my car and we all went to a restaurant that existed then called Marilyn's For Veggie Burgers then in August of 1970. Three out of the 4 of us had summitted Mt. Shasta so we were tired but happy to have succeeded. We were all 20 to 24 years old in 1970 and I was 22 then. On the summit of Mt. Shasta it was about 30 degrees and windy and over 100 degrees down in the town of Mt. Shasta that August Day in 1970.


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