Monday, July 8, 2024

One of the reasons I'm still alive today at 76 is that I have always had good Cardiologists to help keep me alive

If half the counties in the U.S. don't have cardiologists then imagine how many people are dead now because none were available (at any price) locally. If you don't get the help you need then the likelihood you are going to die is pretty certain if you have heart problems.

My heart problems began with what was called a "Panic Attack" mimicking a heart attack or this is what i was told. However, I knew as an intuitive that I was having serious heart problems no matter what the emergency room said about a "panic Attack". I also had another misdiagnosis that I almost died from regarding a burst appendix being misdiagnosed as Gastritis and then almost died during the next week too.

So, ONLY by the Grace of God am I still alive from all these things ongoing.

However, after I remarried in 1995 my present wife demanded that I always have full health insurance. This was one of the things that saved my life until now so I didn't have to either die or go bankrupt dealing with heart problems since around 1993 or 1994 when I first went to the emergency room with what they called a "Panic Attack" which to me was the first sign that I was in trouble regarding heart issues.

First in 1998 I had a Heart Virus and almost died from that then between fall of 1998 and May of 1999. In fact I am the only person I know of in California to survive a heart virus that year. All the rest i heard of died except me. the problem is that by the time most people had their heart viruses diagnosed they were already dead. Even my Cardiologist couldn't define what was wrong with me until I was getting better in May of 1999. Most people just die of panic when they pass out over and over again like I did from lack of oxygen because the heart is too weak to pump enough blood to your brain. So, if you panic you die.

I had learned from having whooping cough at age 2 and from Tibetan Disconnection meditations how to prevent myself from physiologically panicking and dying. I think it's by disconnecting from your ability to fear that one accomplishes this. You just refuse to be afraid and I'm not sure all people are capable of this. But, sometimes soldiers and others can do this like I did too. So this and lisonopril saved my life from october 1998 until may of 1999. I also was forced to retire. Doctors said if I had continued working I would have died no questions asked.

By the fall of 1999 I felt good enough again after I had recovered to go to Europe with my 10 year old daughter and my mother who was then around 80 and still alive. My wife and our then 2 1/2 year old new daughter decided not to go. This likely was better because it would have been too much on top of my 10 year old daughter and my 80 year old mother who I took to Scotland to see where her mother and father had grown up in Clydebank and Ayr (near Glascow). 

Another thing I did was I started my first blog at in June of 1999 as I had promised God I would do to sing his praises and to share my experiences with Angels and God all my life with others who might benefit from my experiences. Then in 2007 I began this blog you are reading right now because was going away and this blog site at had an auto encoder so I didn't have to program this site in HTML like I did my previous site. So, I have been blogging at one site or another now since June of 1999. So, I have been blogging someplace online for 25 years so far. I was 51 when I started and now I'm 76.

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