Monday, July 1, 2024

Our confidence as Americans of the Supreme Court has never been lower!

For example, between 1992 and 1997 there was about an 80% favorable view of the Supreme Court.

However, now it has dropped to about 44% favorable view of the Supreme Court. I'm thinking with the latest rulings this could go as low as the 11% favorable view like Americans have of Congress right now.

This is very bad for the government simply because if people don't support that government that government is likely going to fall at some point where the Supreme Court will be gone and Congress will be gone too.

And the person most likely to do this would be Trump if he ever became president again. Because he would be a NAZI like Hitler!

So, as the confidence in branches of the government fails like now just expect it to collapse because it is going against the will of the majority of Americans right now. And without the support of the people all governments eventually collapse historically worldwide.

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