Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Presently 57 where I live and Foggy at around 9 am Tuesday on the NORCAL Coast

 The deck in the backyard is wet from the fog all night so this will help keep fires away from where I live. In the forests within a mile of where I live where there are some redwood trees and pine trees and Oak Tress and Bracken Ferns etc. I noticed when I walked my dog there a couple of days ago that there was still water running down a fire road somewhat through the muddy tracks made by a fire engine checking things out which surprised me a lot for July. We must have really had a lot of rain which is running down still through the aquifers towards the ocean still which doesn't usually happen this last in the year most years, especially since about 2000 AD.

I wanted to walk my dog at the beach 2 days ago. However, the temperatures are so Apocalyptic people are coming from all over California, Arizona, Nevada, and other hot places to survive the literally Apocalyptic heat where even motorcyclists in Death Valley are dying one by one of the heat these days and i heard also of a 10 year old boy who died in Arizona on a hike too. People are dying one by one all over the west right now because one you start to go into heat prostration the first thing to go is your mental abilities. It can come on quick and if there isn't someone to save you then nearby then often you will die without fully understanding what is happening to you.

So, if you don't take preventative measures in heat like this often you are dead if no one is around.

More people die of heat prostrattion than any other calamity in the U.S. and likely around the world at this point because of losing their mental faculties and the ability to think clearly in this much heat.

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