Monday, July 15, 2024

Presently 67 degrees and sunny here on the Northern California coast!

I was taking a friend to play music somewhere today around noon and I planned to drive out into the sun. Then my wife told me she was coming home with Groceries and I said I would help her unload the car so I headed back home after talking to her on my phone. However, then I took a little longer than I expected to get there by way of the ocean and when I got home she had already unloaded.

At first I was upset that she unloaded the groceries without me. However, about this time I looked up and saw that the sun was trying to break through the clouds for the first time in days. I then realized that God had arranged all this so I wouldn't need to drive so far to see the sun. So, I just put our dog back in my truck and drove the mile to the beach and had a whole beach all to myself which was wonderful too. I think there are very few people out just because people are freaked out about the news since Saturday and the near Assassination of Trump and the dismissal of the Documents case by Judge Cannon. I think all this is blowing people away on many different levels and they don't really know what to make of it all.

So, I took our corgi to the beach and she was rolling in the sand scratching her back like she likes in the sand and then digging in the sand and sticking her nose in the hole she dug with great glee and abandon.

So, to make a long story short the beach was incredibly beautiful and I didn't have to share my favorite beach with anyone! Great Sunny day reminding me a lot of the Hawaiian islands!

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