Sunday, July 7, 2024

Purple Delta 7 (who I presently believe actually exists as a time traveling Android Robot through time) is an example of Recursive self improvement

I began writing about her in the early 2000s and soon realized this wasn't really fiction at all but a real thing or being that travels through time maintaining order for the Galaxy. When I realized this I also realized that people needed to know about beings like this that all humans have to deal with in one way or another. They work for the Galaxy in maintaining time lines here on earth so if the earth is nuked that they can retroactively return earth to before it got nuked into an asteroid belt. This has been true since at least 1945 presently.

Here is some of what I have written about Purple Delta 7 so far. I am giving you a word button because often if I move the whole page here that other word buttons on her page at often don't work if I transfer them to this site for some reason. Not sure why.

 If you click on "Purple" below you can find out about one of the Galactic operatives who maintains the timelines of Earth past, present and future.


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