Saturday, July 20, 2024

Really beautiful Day today on the coast

It was 72 degrees on the coast. Beautiful weather which is exactly the kind of weather people move here for. I met a man with two kids from Utah on the beach whose kids wanted to pet our corgi. I wanted them to know enough so they were safe because they don't live on the ocean. I told them where the safest place to swim and snorkel was in my area because where I live surfers are okay who are really strong swimmers but it's really easy for people to be swept out to sea also here and one of the cities on the coast two people died this week who were swept off rocks to their deaths. They found the bodies later but they were gone. Often in temperatures like the water is year around people can only last without starting to hallucinate in Hypothermia only about 10 minutes to 15 minutes and I suppose if someone is really hearty they might survive 1/2 hour in the ocean without a wet or dry suit if they are swept out when they aren't expecting it.

So, if a sneaker wave grabs you off a rock outcropping and you don't have a wet or dry suit on the longest you are going to live (if you aren't rescued or swim to shore) is 1/2 hour even in the summer time and less if it is foggy and colder because of the fog. This is true from at least Big Sur coast north all the way to Canada. So, people from inland often don't know these things so they are very vulnerable if there are sneaker waves that day.

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