Saturday, July 20, 2024

Scientists cannot predict the location of any one particle in space. Why is this?

 This appears to be because particles travel to not only other spaces but potentially to other times as well. This is not understood well but to say the least Scientists know that any particle cannot be known for sure to be in any location ever. So, what this means is that atoms or particles in your body could literally be traveling to and or from any space and time going out and potentially even coming back into your body from literally anywhere or anywhen. But, this also applies to all atoms and particles in the entire universe. 

My own theory about this is that Time and Space only exists inside of Galaxies which are an artificial creation anyway. The natural state of the universe is not a galaxy but rather Unknown matter which might not contain any space or any time which is why our scientists here on earth don't really understand it because it sort of "Breaks the natural laws of physics) and the laws of physics might ONLY pertain to Earth and the time and space realm we live in here and nowhere else.

I see Galaxies sort of like Waterfalls on earth. They are in a transition state from one form of energies to another form of energies. So, I think the best way to view a galaxy might be either as a waterfall or a jellyfish. A waterfall because of it's transition state and a jellyfish because a galaxy is alive sort of like a jellyfish is traveling through our universe.

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Wave functions of the electron in a hydrogen atom at different energy levels. Quantum mechanics cannot predict the exact location of a particle in space, only the probability of finding it at different locations.[1] The brighter areas represent a higher probability of finding the electron.

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