Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The LONE WOLF that shot Trump

 Investigators have found that the shooter who was a 20 year old male had been bullied throughout High School and before. He was working in a kitchen in a restaurant at age 20 when he shot Trump.

This is a classic murder suicide of likely someone who wasn't happy with their life and decided to direct this anger at a politician and die doing this. In this way posthumously he would be famous while also dead which was his goal obviously. His life likely wasn't working so he ended it by trying to take out Trump and nearly succeeded in both and he succeeded in committing suicide too.

This is the type of person most likely to shoot politicians now worldwide or to blow up politicians worldwide that have no criminal record whatsoever. They are impossible to find pretty much before they try to kill someone because of having NO criminal record whatsoever because they are self destructive in the end and not directed until the end to harm anyone but themselves.

So, it is this self hate that causes a person like this. Being suicidal is also being potentially homicidal as well. Any psychologist will tell you this if you ask them.

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