Thursday, July 11, 2024

The many sides to being Gifted

 In Some ways it doesn't matter in the ways in which you are gifted by life and God. Because no matter how you are gifted there are many sides to this.

For example, there are those whose lives you CAN save and often you do and there are those you want to save but can't and then you feel broken inside (especially if they are dear friends or relatives that you don't want to see die horribly).

So, the point is that being gifted is Always a two edged sword that cuts both ways.

You are healed by those you can save and hurt by those you can't but you have to release the ones you cannot save to God or else it is the end of you.

In the end it is all God doing everything anyway. Whether it is you who saves them for God or whether you cannot save them it is still God doing everything anyway.

It's equally that you give over those you can't save to God as much as you have to give over those you can save with God's help.

By God's Grace

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