Friday, July 12, 2024

The paradox of being Fred (or anyone on earth right now)

What do I mean by this?

It means if you go deep enough into who and what you are what you are going to find will literally blow your mind.

Long ago I succeeded at the first steps of enlightenment. How?

To perceive being a human being on earth as a complete paradox.

This is where I started to become enlightened when I accepted the paradox of being Fred or the paradox that each person is. 

Accepting that you and God are both paradoxes is how you begin the path to Enlightenment.

Once I could embrace the paradox of being Fred and the paradox of God and all Life in the universe I could move forward towards enlightenment.

The next step was understanding that compassion towards oneself and all life in the entire universe was necessary for enlightenment.

So, I began learning how to have feelings of compassion for all life in the universe.

This actually wasn't very hard compared to embracing the paradox because embracing the paradox was sort of like walking up to the edge of a great cliff looking at the ocean and the rocks below and jumping off.

Or you could say embracing the paradox was like falling in love or even getting married. Only you aren't marrying a person you are marrying God and all Life in the universe instead. 

So, the whole point is to honor all life in the universe like everyone is one of your children or your parents or your brothers and sisters and friends that you want to help and care about always.

All these steps lead towards enlightenment in a real way.

But, the first step I found to be the hardest: Embracing the paradox of life in the universe which is the first step to full enlightenment and bliss.

By God's Grace

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