Thursday, July 11, 2024

The real danger now is that the War in Ukraine could envelop all of Europe and the U.S. because of NATO

 Though I hope it never comes to this the danger is much more real now that Russia tried to assassinate the CEO of the biggest German supplier of munitions to Ukraine. They also plotted to kill many other munitions CEOs in Europe too. Because of this the war is in a very dangerous phase because of Putin's desperation to try to win quickly and easily in Ukraine.

I think this is one reason why Biden has not resigned his position. In the past, Reagan stayed in while letting Nancy Reagan be the president when he got Senile Dementia. FDR had Polio and had leg braces and couldn't walk unaided and this was kept secret from the public all during World War II and the Great Depression by only showing pictures of him sitting down. Now, Biden is likely having parkinson's issues which debilitates one physically but not necessarily mentally.

However, in this state Biden cannot possibly win now and needs to step aside. However, for NATO he needed to show a brave face to the world as he is whether he has parkinson's or not the leader of the free world and champion of Democracy (at least until someone else replaces him).

So, the world both in regard to Russia trying to Assassinate Munitions CEOs in Europe and in regard to Biden being too physically ill to continue as president is a problem for everyone on earth right now on multiple fronts.

How will the world survive these present Crises?

Unknown at present.

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