Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The REAL reason celibacy was instituted in the Catholic Church was to conserve the weath of the Church

Originally, wealthy people paid the church to take their children and to make them priests and nuns because they got a lot of mileage out of doing this. However, Celibacy was created as a way of nuns and priests not having (recognized children) who could inherit money from the church. In this way the church itself could get rich in an unlimited way. So, no matter what people are told about celibacy it was entirely about money and having to support the children of the priests and nuns if they were not celibate. So, even if children resulted from the priests and nuns they could not get married and so could not inherit money from the church either. Most religions with celibacy likely are celibate for this same reason by the way no matter what they say otherwise.

For example, the Shakers went extinct in the U.S. because they were celibate. However, in the Catholic Church if you are not a priest or a nun you are encouraged to have as many children as possible. But, in doing so this also makes the church more wealthy too. So, it is an amazing enrichment scheme in all religions worldwide who do this.

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