Monday, July 15, 2024

The Rock people Spoke to me on the Beach today

What they said was really interesting!

They told me that people are going to begin living millions of years. At first, I was having trouble believing this. Because I tend to look at this as a present day human being. So, I can see 150, 200, 250. All these ages people can live to all ready make sense to me.

But, they said NO. IT's all coming at once! Likely in the next 50 to 100 years or sooner.

We are reaching a turning point in human evolution where the rock people join the humans in their future together on earth and beyond.

On one level this makes complete sense to me because humans made cooking pots and then swords and then plowshares and then parts for wagons all out of metal and then arrowheads and knives and other tools to farm or garden around the house. They invented Nails to build with or Screws to build with now because  slamming a hammer isn't really good for a human hand so now they use Screw Nails to build with a lot instead of nails more than they used to. Even I after building many houses with nails and hammers have switched over to screw nails instead with my battery operated Makita electric screwdriver set up and I have been doing this since at least the 1990s or before now. So, as soon as they made powerful electric screwdrivers and good screw nails 8 penny or 16 penny for me it began to make more sense to use an electric screwdriver over a nail. Besides, usually a wood screw will often hold something together better than a nail anyway for a variety of reasons..

So, this is what they were telling me. It's not just 25 years or 100 years more for people that is coming now this century. It is the potential for some people to live millions of years alongside AI and other things that are a part of the Rock people evolution.

From one point of view we are a part of the rock people evolution too as humans just like Trees and plants are too. So, from this point of view we are just rejoining the rock people in a new way in our evolution forward as human beings on this planet to where humans (the ones who choose to) will potentially begin to live millions of years.

It's pretty amazing but I see it coming now the way they explained it to me.

By God's Grace

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