Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Sun came out yesterday and stayed here on the NorCal Coast

It heated up our house to around 73 degrees by Midnight so we left our screened windows open a lot all day yesterday. People mostly don't have air conditioning here because 99% of the time we never need it and instead often use our heating systems year around in this location instead. I like to sleep at around 67 degrees as the ideal sleeping temperature and my wife agrees with this too.

I woke up and went outside on our deck in the back yard to play ball with the dog and it was still foggy but by 10 AM the sun was already starting to burn through. I thought about adding more water to our bird bath because it looked like they had drunk most of the water or splashed most of it out again.

We had a very strange experience yesterday over on the side of our building where we put bird seed up for the birds this time of year when it's not so wet it will mold the bird seed. We put it under one of our eves to our house to reduce mildew in the seeds as well so I hang a copper or brass container from chains to a roof rafter under an eve.

Well. Yesterday besides the birds and squirrels and crows and such there came a whole family of turkeys over the green belt fence into our yard to peck at the ground around where the birds drop seeds over the side of the copper or brass plate or container hanging under the eve to our house.  So, now we had 9 Turkeys that were obviously a family. There were two big males guarding the hen and about 6 half grown turkeys all busy pecking away. I was worried about our corgi and if she saw them they males might peck her eyes our or injure her. I told my wife what was happening and I know that wild turkeys (especially when there are so many of them you really don't want to confront them because they will defend their brood to the death. I wanted to throw rocks at them to protect our dog and to get them out of the yard but my wife wouldn't let me do this. Then I thought of getting an air soft pellet gun to get them out of there. But, once again my wife didn't like this Idea and of course the seeds for the birds was always her idea anyway. Finally, one of our housekeepers brought in our trash cans from the street and this seemed to scare them all over the fence. On a previous day two of the half grown turkeys had been over by our hot tub outside and were disturbed by our corgi Dog and one flew way up into a tree. I didn't know a turkey half grown could fly up 25 feet into a tree and the other one flew onto our roof away from our corgi dog.

So, it's been a strange few days with the turkeys now but I think we cannot have seeds out and protect our corgi from harm from the turkeys at this point because they are very wild and unpredictable and the males are almost 3 feet high and not to be trifled with.

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