Monday, July 8, 2024

The warnings from Angels are often Really Off the Wall!

What do I mean by this?

Mostly people live in their own very LITTLE World so the Big Truths around them don't sink in because they are so busy living in their own little world.

So, an angel might say: "Don't cross the street on the next Boulevard because something bad is going to happen there and you don't want to die!"

So, you get to the boulevard and you wait because the Angels Told you to. Then someone like someone on a motorcycle goes by at 100 miles per hour followed by many police cars and you would have been either hit by the motorcycle or the many police cars going by if you in your own timing had tried to cross the street.

So, instead of dying there you are both shocked and entertained by the spectacle that didn't kill you because the angels told you not to cross that street!

This is what I mean by really off the wall stuff happens that you would not be aware of if the angels hadn't just saved your life!

By God's Grace

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