Monday, July 1, 2024

There are things that you become aware of that you can only address properly when you are very sick

It tends to put everything in a much deeper perspective. Often as you go through life you are like a water skier skiing over the top of your problems. But, one day you get sick and you crash off your water skis into the water and then you are underwater and the water is churning around you as you fight for air and struggle to breathe again from hitting the water at 40 miles per hour.

I personally have done this so I know something about this.

So, when I got sick this week I realized I needed to go home to my wife to not go into the hospital. But, in the process of this I realized I hadn't had an illness exactly like this since before Covid hit either because I wore a mask so much all these years.

So, the point is when you think you might die your body and mind and emotions have to get very real regarding EVERYTHING to actually stay alive through something like this so serious.

So, in this sense you almost have to become a completely different person than you were before like you were reincarnated in order to move forward after this.

It's sort of like hitting the reset button on your computer so it crashes and resets itself again. As a human you automatically do this when you get sick and if you recover you sort of realize that you cannot be exactly the same person that you were before you got sick. You are someone new now that you and God have created together that is NOT the same person you were before.

The previous person died and you know this inherently.

There is an old poem of sorts about this:

"Hope springs eternal 

When we die Daily"

What is usually unspoken is that the person that we die to is God (or to nature if you don't believe in God).

However, if we don't reset like our computers do then we are either crazy after this or dead or both.

This is survival 101 for the whole human race.

By God's Grace

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